How to write a guest post for the Australian Writers’ Centre

Maybe you've written a book and would like to promote it via a guest post on our blog. Awesome! However, we have some guidelines if you'd like us to consider publishing your post. Let's get stuck into them.

1. We are big on practical advice
Our readers want to learn practical techniques or tools they can use in their own writing. It's essential that your post contains actionable advice that readers can start using straight away. They should finish reading the post and have learnt at least five writing-related techniques or tools they can use in their own writing journey. Ideally, these are the very tools/techniques that you use yourself. Take the time to explain the practical ways in which you have used these strategies and what the results have been.

2. Real numbers and real examples are best
Readers respond to real numbers and real examples. Compare these two sentences:

  • It took me a long time to write my first draft – vague, not helpful – NO
  • I wrote 80,000 words of my first draft over 7 months – concrete, real numbers – YES

By giving concrete numbers, readers get a clearer picture of the reality of writing. It helps them to understand what is really involved and how they can apply it in their own lives.

3. Spruik your useful resources
Have you done a course at the Australian Writers' Centre? Tell us which course you did and how it helped you hone your skills or gain more confidence. Get specific on your ‘a-ha' moments and how these insights have helped you in your writing. Is there a diagram that you follow? Or did you receive some advice that was a game-changer? Share it! We're about building a community of writers who help each other in useful and practical ways.

4. What inspires your creativity?
Has there been anything that has really inspired you? Like an author you love or a book you've read? Or even an inspirational quote that sits on your wall? Tell readers all about it! If it has inspired you, chances are it will inspire others.

5. Routine and discipline
Writing is not just about inspiration, it's about perspiration. So do share if you have a writing routine or process that has helped you get the words out of your head and on to the page. Reading about different writing routines helps budding writers to understand what could work for them, or inspires them to try something new.

6. Mention your book and add your bio
While we aren't keen on posts that are all self-promotion, you should at least mention your book in the post – but make sure that it's combined with the practical insights we've mentioned above. Don't just randomly slot it in, but weave it into your useful tips. For example, “the research technique I used while I was writing My Fabulous Novel was…”

Also, please do include a two-sentence bio at the end of your post so that people know who you are. Your post should leave readers feeling inspired to write their own story, keen to read your book, and wanting to find out more about you.

We love sharing helpful and practical stories with our writing community. Keep in mind that we are inundated with posts so we can't publish everything we receive – especially if it doesn't adhere to the above guidelines. But if you follow this advice, you're certainly in with a chance. If we're not able to publish it, we'll let you know so you can find a home for it elsewhere.

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