"I got published!": Erin Bowe

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead.

Erin Says: 

I took Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 in November 2014. My goal (which I didn't tell anyone in case it didn't work out) was to be published within 3 months of finishing the course.

I let the info I learned digest a little, panicked, convinced myself I couldn't do it, gave up, ate my body weight in fries and then remembered I hadn't even tried yet. I submitted my first pitch in February 2015.

The article is about grandparents as the first source of bullying for children. This is a topic that kept coming up again and again in my clinical practice as a psychologist, so I figured there would be other parents struggling with this issue. I pitched the idea to Essential Kids who agreed to commission it on spec. I completed the article, sent it off and it was published within the week.

I received great information about how things work behind the scenes. It was also a chance to get real feedback from critics who were not related to me or have their food bowls filled by me. Understanding how to sell my ideas to an editor and not come across as too arrogant or too inexperienced was invaluable!

Congratulations Erin! Wanna read what she wrote? Follow the link here!

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