"I got published!": Heather Smith

We love hearing from our students no matter what they have to say, but when we hear of a student being published, we just want to shout it from the rooftops! We’re a little scared of heights, so we’ll go with a blog post instead.

Heather says: 

I am excited to be guest blogging for a cloud inventory solution called Trade Gecko, a business founded by Kiwi brothers based in Singapore. I am able to draw on my experience and background to write in-depth articles about inventory management. It's an important area for many small businesses, as inventory can consume a lot of cash, and thus needs to be managed properly. So as well as the joy of writing, I know I am helping businesses as well.

I include real world experience in the article (like the bitter disappointment I felt missing out on the Switzerland chocolate stocktake – a role I was born for!) and I also try to break down the steps, so both advisors and small businesses owners can see how they can move forward and improve their inventory management.
Some of blog posts I have made include: Australian EOFY – Keep your Inventory Updated with StocktakesWhat accountants aren’t (and should be) asking small business clients about their inventory management procedures and Xero Inventory Management vs TradeGecko Inventory Software.

One day I hope to write about the inventory management of a cat accessories store, but until then, this is the best I have got!

I've just completed the Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 2 course, and it has helped me develop stronger angles. Always recommend AWC to anyone who says they want to write!

Congratulations Heather! Wanna read what she wrote? Follow the links above.

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