Your chance to win $1,500 with the Walter Stone Award for Life Writing

“Write what you know,” said every writing teacher ever. What better place to start with life… We’ve all got one or know someone who has one, right?

With the Walter Stone Award for Life Writing there’s $1,500 up for grabs. Whether your piece falls under biography, memoir, autobiography, or monograph, you might be eligible to enter. Time to shape up that manuscript or get cracking on something new.

Entries need to be between 10,000 and 25,000 words, so if you’ve got something longer than that, you’ll need to submit an extract within these limits.

If you win, you’ll be invited to an award ceremony hosted by the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW Inc and have your work published both in Writers Voice and on the FAW NSW website.

Entries close 30 September 2016.

For more on the conditions of entry or to grab your entry form, head to the Fellowship of Australian Writers website.

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