Meet David Leser, Australia’s finest profile writer

Since he started teaching with us at the Australian Writers' Centre in 2015, David Leser has captivated groups with his excellent Profile Writing course. He is Australia’s finest profile writer and an award-winning feature writer, having worked for publications such as The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, HQ, The Bulletin, Good Weekend, The Australian Women’s Weekly, Vanity Fair, Newsweek and The Daily Beast. David is also a former Washington and Jerusalem-based correspondent.

A master at the art of interviewing, David is widely known for his in-depth profiles and stories on social and political issues. Over the years he has penned portraits on everyone from the Dalai Lama to Alan Jones; Meryl Streep to Gina Rinehart; Helen Garner to Carla Bruni; Ingrid Betancourt to Julian Assange. At the AWC we're privileged to have David share his secrets and techniques with our Profile Writing students.

Check out David in action below.

Above: Byron Bay Writers Festival 2011: In conversation with Paul Kelly

Above: With former CIA agent Glenn Carle

Above: Kerry O'Brien on Keating at the 2016 Newcastle Writers Festival

Above: Zelda la Grange: Good Morning, Mr Mandela

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