Our Big Birthday Book Box Giveaway winner!

It’s finally time to announce who has won our incredible 10th birthday giveaway of 23 books written by our amazing Australian Writers’ Centre presenters. The books cover the gamut of genres from children’s adventures and holiday romances to historical novels, travel memoirs, fantasy trilogies, crime, thrillers, and more!

We were swamped with entries for this one, with entrants needing to answer (in 25 words or fewer) WHY they deserved to win the box.

Most popular/common reasons given:
1. I need inspiration/guidance for my own writing.
2. I need an excuse to read, guilt-free.
3. I need to escape.
4. Mums needing some moments of sanity!
5. Empty bookshelves that need filling.

We narrowed down the hundreds of entries to a shortlist of five. From here, everyone in the office voted and we found a winner!

And the WINNER IS… Drum roll please…

Amber Proudfoot of VIC

“I'm a frog. Books are my prince. Reading is a kiss. To read will make me human <3”

Congratulations Amber – your metaphor (at least we assume it’s a metaphor!) hit the right spot with our judges. You just won yourself an entire summer of reading (and autumn, and winter…). 23 books coming your way… ENJOY!

We also felt that our other four shortlisted entries shouldn’t go away empty-handed. So we’ll be sending out a mystery book from our prize library to each of you too:
Chris Drago, Peter Wilson, Barbara Baumgartner, and Susie Stokes

We’ll be in touch with all winners to confirm mailing addresses etc.

And we thought we’d end with just a couple of the funny ones we received. First, Jodi Gibson’s effort:
Because I asked my magic 8-ball and she answered, “It is decidedly so.” And you can't argue with the wisdom of the magic 8-ball.

And finally Maddy Cornford:
I deserve to win because my goal is to own 100 books. I currently own 77 – what a wonderful coincidence!

A wonderful coincidence indeed.

Thanks all for entering – and be sure to check our weekly newsletter as we have a giveaway every week! (If you’re one of the few people on the planet not signed up to it yet, go here to subscribe – you’ll also be put in the draw for a $200 Booktopia voucher on the spot, which would allow you to buy your own big box of books!)

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