Publishing startup Tablo launches social network for authors

Here at the Australian Writers' Centre, we love social media and connecting with other writers around the world. When this press release arrived in our inbox we were pretty excited. We think it looks promising – but what do you think? Would you use Tablo?

From press release:

Publishing startup Tablo today announced the launch of new social features for its cloud-based e-book publishing service. This marks the biggest shift in the platform since its launch in 2013.

Off the back of a successful seed funding round, the developments are part of a wider effort to transform the writer from a solitary character into a social one by encouraging collaboration amongst authors and likeminded bookworms within an online community.

The unique social network will enable authors to create their own individual profiles, complete with a biography, photo and previous or upcoming works, and to share their writing with others in the online community. In turn, followers can browse the ‘Bookshelf’ of their favourite authors, receive updates on new chapters as they are written, and become part of the creative journey.

Users can also join communities called ‘Groups’, bringing together writers and readers with a passion for all kinds of subjects, whether it’s Romantic and Fantasy Fiction or groups dedicated to bilingual authors and motoring enthusiasts — there is something for everyone.

The 21-year-old entrepreneur behind Tablo, Ash Davies, said the new features were vital in upending the traditional publishing model.

“Writing has traditionally been seen as a lonely endeavour. This, combined with the sad reality that the vast majority of authors struggle to see their work ever published, means that countless pages of writing from talented individuals, are never shared or read by others. Tablo is changing that.

“Publishing a book in 2014 should not be the same as it was in 1914. Yes, authors still put words onto a page (whether digital or paper), but an ambitious or talented writer shouldn’t need a huge publishing deal to ensure their words are read. With our new social features, readers can discover and follow authors from day one. This will help authors secure and grow a loyal readership.

“Very often the best writers are also the best readers, and technology today allows us to be both, anywhere, anytime, and on any device. The nature of the Tablo community means that the next bestseller might be written on a smartphone or discovered on an iPad, and be armed with a loyal fanbase before it’s even published.”

Tablo is currently helping over 10,000 authors from 100 different countries build their readership as they write, and publishes to the iBooks Store and Amazon. Authors receive 100% of royalties.

Find out more at Tablo.

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