Student Success: Articles in The Sydney Morning Herald, Aljazeera and Outback magazine

It's been another huge week for Australian Writers' Centre graduates. We've heard from quite a few Magazine and Newspaper Writing graduates and we're thrilled to be able to share their success with you here.

First up, Kristyn Maslog-Levis from NSW. She did the online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing in 2013 as well as the How to Get Your Book Pubished seminar. Here's what she wrote to us:

“I just wanted you to know that I was able to use the Magazine and Newspaper Writing class to polish up my journalistic skills after over a decade of being in the industry. It really helped boost my confidence and just renewed my brain with the basics of it all. I’ve been writing for several companies since I completed the course. They seem to love me as they keep giving me more work!

But the piece she's most excited about is her feature on Aljazeera, “Australia fights drunken ‘one-punch' attack”. Congratulations, Kristyn!

Kristyn Maslog-Levis success

Mandy McKeesick from NSW also completed the Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing courses. And we received this lovely email from her recently:

“I’ve taken off since completing my courses: Three articles (three – I’m still pinching myself) in the latest Outback magazine, with regular commissions for 2014; a growing portfolio that allows me to promote my love of rural Australia; and the first taste of corporate work.

I cannot recommend your courses enough. Actually I would say if you want to be a feature writer, don’t bother until you’ve been to the Australian Writers' Centre.”

Congratulations, Mandy!

We also heard from Amy McPherson, also from NSW, who did two online courses last year – Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing. She's been busy writing since and has had articles published in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Big Issue. Well done, Amy! Keep up the good work.


Finally, we heard from Edwina Dick from NSW. She also completed our Magazine and Newspaper Writing way back in 2008 (she also did Writing for the Web) and wrote to us recently to let us know how she's going.

Taking the Australian Writers' Centre online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing was such a great move for me. The course work was really enjoyable, I learnt far more than just a new style of writing, and I’m now a regular freelance contributor to a few of my favourite food and travel titles. You could certainly say I’m thrilled with the return on investment – you can’t put a price on loving your work.

Since completing her courses Edwina has written regularly for Broadsheet and SBS Feast Magazine. Well done, Edwina!

Have you got some publishing success you'd like to share with us? Email us at courses[at]writerscentre[dot]com[dot]au and tell us all about it.

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