Student Success: Published in Crikey, New Daily Website, and New York Times online

Our graduates are kicking so many goals recently we can hardly keep up! We've heard from graduates in Magazine and Newspaper Writing, Writing Books for Children and Young Adults and Blogging for Beginners, who all wanted to share their success stories with us.

Let's start with Richard Curzon from NSW. He's completed a number of courses and seminars with the Australian Writers' Centre – including the online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing, Travel Memoir and Life Writing, and seminars on From Blog to Book, How to Create and Sell Your Ebook, How to Get Your Book Published.

He's been busy working on his book and an extract from that, Destination Detention (which is almost ready for publication), was published on Crikey on 6 March under the heading “The Indian Solution”.

Congratulations, Richard! You can read more about Destination Detention here.

Anna Hickey from Victoria also did the online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing. She finished the course just a few months ago and has already had her first paid article published! Her feature on ‘slashies' was published on The New Daily Website recently.

Well done, Anna!

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Linda Moon from NSW is another graduate who's many courses with us – the online courses in Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing among others – has led her to publish her first article. Her feature on “Friendship Training for Kids” was published on Kidspot, and she's already got more articles ready to go.

Well done, Linda!

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Now for news from one of our creative writers. Mel Hearse from WA did the online course in Writing Books for Children and Young Adults in 2011 and has been busy writing since. One of her many stories has recently been published in an anthology of short sci fi stories. Not only has Mel been published alongside some of her favourite authors, including Hugh Howey and Michael Bunker, the book hit the number 1 spot on Amazon's Sci Fi list within hours of going on sale! The book is called From the Indie Side and if you'd like to read Mel's stories, you can find out more about it on Gooreads.

Congratulations, Mel!

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Great news for one of our Blogging for Beginners graduates. Rebekah Campbell (NSW) did this incredibly popular seminar in 2012, as well as the From Blog to Book seminar, and she’s had some great news about her blogging. She caught the attention of The New York Times and will be writing a regular column for them. Her first one has already been published. Congratulations, Rebekah!

Stacey Gladman (VIC) completed our online course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing (as well the online course in Writing Picture Books) and has had her latest feature article published – in the latest edition of Australian Pole Dancers Magazine. They’ve also commissioned her for another article next month. Congratulations, Stacey!

Keep us posted on your success. Just email us on [email protected] if you've done a course with the Australian Writers' Centre and want to share your publishing stories.

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