TELL US: What fuels your writing?

This week, we invite you to take part in a small writing task. What is it that drives you to write? Why do you do it?

Writing can bring you incredible joy – but it can sometimes feel like a chore. It depends on your mood, what’s gone on that day, and whether you got out on the right side of the bed! Without a deeper motivation, it can be hard to stick at it.

That’s why we’d like you to tell us – in 100 words or fewer – what is it that fuels your writing? What motivates you to want to write?

There are no wrong answers, because we all write for different reasons. Simply share with us your sources of motivation – the touchstones you turn to on those dark, fuzzy days when you need to refocus. The things that drive you. It might be tricky to put them into words but we’d love you to try, and we’ll share some of our favourites over the coming weeks.

Submissions close midnight, Sunday 21 July 2019.

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