The new generation of magazine and newspaper writers

We recently completed a wonderful five weeks for our first course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 2. And I have to say that I'm incredibly inspired by the talent I saw in the 60 students who participated in the first intake.

We’ve already seen many students published in mainstream publications as a direct result of this course! That’s the most exciting thing for me… opening up newspapers and magazines to see our students' bylines everywhere!

Sandra Shakespeare completed the course and says:

“Doing a course here is like getting a fast-track ticket to success. Even though success depends on your own capabilities, the things you'll learn will put you miles ahead of trying to get there on your own. You're being taught by industry veterans and professionals – and what you'll learn from their experience is priceless.”

During the course, so many students come up with ideas for articles they want to write as part of their assignments – and they end up pitching those articles to publications and being paid for them.

Photo of Catherine Rodie article
Catherine Rodie’s article in Sunday Life began its life as an assignment in the course.

Many love the uber-practical nature of the course – and the personalised feedback each student receives every week from me. And I love connecting with students and helping them shape and improve their articles.

Louise Wedgwood says:

“I love the pithy, no-time-wasted audios. There is no waffle when Valerie is talking and it's all useful and practical info. It was also fantastic to get honest feedback on my work and learn from everyone else's feedback.”

Libby Hakim
Libby Hakim’s article started in the course and was published in Body + Soul in The Sunday Telegraph

The course is designed for graduates of: Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1, or Travel Writing or Food Writing. It’s designed to help you build on what you’ve learnt in your foundation course, equipping you with the skills you need to create an even more sustainable, regular income as a feature writer (whether you want to write part-time or full-time). It’s about taking your feature writing to the next level.

One of the unique aspects of this course is the opportunity to get personalised feedback on a pitch that you’ve written to an editor or an article you want to submit. Every single week. You’ll also be privy to lots of real examples of pitches. And you’ll see actual editors’ feedback on a series of articles.

It’s comprehensive insider knowledge that you just won’t find anywhere else.

Kristie Hayden says:

“I've done three AWC courses now. I had considered doing journalism but I realise I don't need to spend tens of thousands on a degree for what I want to achieve with my writing. AWC has given me the tools to do what I want to do.”

Students in this course have been commissioned by editors from a huge range of major national publications and I can’t wait to see even more bylines as they start to roll out in print!

I know that many in our community waited very patiently for this course to be created, but I only wanted to release it when I knew the course was just right. A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into the creation of it; I wanted all the resources to be super useful and practical. I also wanted to address real-life scenarios that students are going to face so they end up well-equipped for whatever the industry will throw at them.

Collette Beck says:

“The modules were all structured in a really practical way, in that the scenarios used were exactly the scenarios I would be facing in my writing career. The courses are really practical and you will finish your course feeling empowered by your new knowledge, and confident enough to start putting it in to practice.”

Now that the whirlwind of the first intake is over, I’m taking a breather. But I’m also looking forward to the next round – because there is nothing I find more inspiring than a group of students who are passionate about learning and getting published. And I can’t wait to see the talent emerge from our next group of students!

Jennifer Johnston says:

“If you want to do a writing course that is practical and relevant then this is the place!”

Jodi Gibson says:

“If you want to be a writer, the AWC is the only place to go.”

Jocelyn Pride says:

“Best money you'll ever spend if you're serious about your writing.”

Find out more on Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 2.


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