COMP CLOSED: Win The Waiting Room by Leah Kaminsky

“Compelling, moving and memorable.” That’s what Graeme Simsion (author of The Rosie Project) had to say about this new novel from Leah Kaminsky. The Waiting Room takes place in Haifa, Israel, in 2001 – following Dina, a family doctor living against the backdrop of high terror alerts, occupational hazards and the ghosts of a family she left behind in Australia.

This honest contemporary work of fiction has been receiving rave reviews for its authentic portrayal of everyday life in Israel, and Kaminsky – herself a doctor – captures so well the struggles of the protagonist in a story that will keep you engrossed to the final page.

Want to win a copy? All you have to do is tell us the strangest thing you’ve ever had to visit a waiting room for – or heard about someone else having to visit for (and let’s keep it clean!).
Our favourite entry will win the book!

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.


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