COMP CLOSED: Win this trilogy pack by David M Henley!

David HenleyTo celebrate the release this year of Convergence by David M Henley, we have two complete sets of his “Pierre Jnr trilogy” to give away. But first, we asked David a few quick questions.

Convergence is the final book in this Pierre Jnr trilogy. Can you tell us what it’s about?

Convergence shows the end of the hunt for the titular telepathic eight year old. The trilogy explores a lot of future possibilities and the nature and boundaries of individuality.”

When did you know that you wanted to be a writer and what steps did you take to get there?

“I've always enjoyed writing, for which all you need is a pen and paper, possibly a laptop. Getting published, on the other hand, has been a long road that saw me working reception at a publisher, volunteering, going to parties… until someone offered to look at my stuff.”

What’s the hardest thing about trying to keep the pace and suspense right in a thriller?

“Getting the investment right. You have to get the audience invested in what is going to happen. You have to give them enough information to get them interested but not too much that they get bored and don't make the investment.

“For example, if you've got a ‘what's behind the door' scenario, your audience has to be titillated and curious enough to keep reading until you open that door. So you drop morsels of information, hints and suggestion through your character actions and dialogue until the reader just has to know.”

How did you create and keep track of your “world”?

“Memory. I know my world like the real one; possibly better. The only things I ever need to double check are names and dates (just like in the real world). In the writing process I use Scrivener, which enables me to search through to check details and after publication I have PDFs of the books I can check. I have also started to keep a timeline on my website which includes important dates and developments.”

What's your typical day like? Do you have a writing routine?

“I have to blend writing with working life. So I write when walking or on a train and then spend nights compiling and editing. I try to avoid having a routine or set environment to work in, because then if my routine was disturbed I'd be blocked. I'm anti-routine.

“To keep flexible, I challenge myself to write anywhere and use notepads, iPads and my phone. This year I've begun using Evernote to keep it all in order, then no matter where I am, and if I only have my phone, I can plug in any new ideas and sentences that have come to me.”

What's your advice for aspiring writers?

“Marry rich! Failing that, try to design a life that allows a lot of flexibility in working hours. At times, you will have to take weeks off at a time to write or go to a festival. It's taken me over a decade to have the support network I have that allows me this flexibility.

“Also: make sure you have good friends who support you. You need positive energy when writing a long project, just like you need a torch when you walk through a long dark tunnel.”

You can check out the trilogy’s website here. The title character to the series, as David pointed out, is telepathic – a handy skill to have. So, to win one of two complete sets of this series, simply tell us what super ability or skill YOU would like to possess, and why? Our favourite two will win.

To enter, just fill out the form below with your answer. Entrants (who aren’t already) will also be subscribed to our superb weekly newsletter.

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