Rachael 8 months ago

Knowledgeable facilitator. Great content. Loved the videos and also the resources - templates and extra info was great!

A great course that's easy to follow and full of useful info and tips.

Alexandria Allen 10 months ago

I wasn't sure what to expect and whether it would be something that I would enjoy, but I was pleasantly surprised by how interesting I found each module and different type of article.

I enjoyed the ability to read through the module content myself, at my own pace, and save this for future reference. Then I appreciated the videos that went into further explanation and depth.

I am interested in continuing to pursue further courses in relation to writing and seeing where this may take me in the future.

There are plenty of options at the AWC depending on what interests you and the course delivery is very user friendly.

Sarah Webster 11 months ago

There are so many different types and angles. It makes it easier to target a specific type of writing.

Having the easy templates available in pdfs was great - easy to refer back to when practising writing those certain angles.

Seng Doi 1 year ago

I enjoyed the templates and the fact that I can study anytime.

The course helped me to keep writing. Every piece of my writing is not a waste. I just have to do it continuously.

The resources are great. Go for it!

Michelle Murray 1 year ago

User friendly and informative with good examples. It is easy to refer to when required.

The Australian Writers' Centre offers functional and easy to follow courses that would suit anyone wanting to learn or improve on their writing skills. The staff are easily contactable and friendly.

Nina 1 year ago

Amazing short course! I learnt a lot in a short time and I'm motivated to take my new knowledge and put it into action.

I love the videos! I find it very hard reading a lot of information and often will get bored. However with the videos, it kept me interested and felt like I cruised through the course.

I feel like my content will be better structured and will have more purpose.

Miranda 1 year ago

The content was really enjoyable. It was short and sharp, and I learnt a lot from it. I really liked the templates and the explanations that accompanied it. I definitely learnt tips and tricks to make my writing better and take it to the next level. I always followed the who what where when why approach, so this was a nice addition to that.

It's given me the tools to elevate my writing to that next level and the formulas to write a good headline... something I always struggle with!

The templates are game changers!

Leonie Jennings 1 year ago

I liked the bite-sized lectures. It was a good way to focus on a single idea/approach. The templates were particularly useful.

There are patterns in everything, and any structure you use has been used before. I now have the confidence to approach just about any piece of content because I have many structures to fall back on.

All of AWC's courses are full of practical information that can be applied in the real world. The courses are well written and presented, with lots of handouts.

Jill Sherrin 1 year ago

The quality and value AWC gives out through its courses are always such high standard - Content Writing is no exception.

The example articles used in the templates are articles that are interesting as well as informative - something I actually want to read! This makes such a difference to have some lively information supporting the lesson to keep the learning experience engaging compared to 'dry / lifeless' information that can sometimes be offered up as examples. Another example of AWC's thoughtful attention to detail.

Sign up as soon as you can! Whatever your journey, it's one you'll never regret - or forget.

Caitlin Reynolds 1 year ago

I really enjoyed how the course was self-paced, which allowed me to complete the modules as I pleased and enabled me to easily fit it in around other commitments. I also liked the interactive videos, PDF examples which were very helpful and finally, the extra modules on next steps forward. I found all of this very helpful.

It's given me a greater understanding of the different content writing angles which will help me immensely in those times when I'm struggling to come up with content ideas.

I would recommend this course because it's self-paced, you can do it how you want to do it and there are very useful tips and examples you can refer to which makes the course easy to follow and apply in real life.

Danielle Hampshire 1 year ago

I wanted to strengthen my writing skills and understanding in order to make my CV look more impressive, and potentially qualify for more freelance opportunities.

I liked being able to work at my own pace and take my time digesting the content. Due to other commitments, I completed this very gradually over 11 months!

This course has helped me be more aware of my writing structure, based on the templates provided.

Jodie Matheson 1 year ago

I really like that so much handy info/templates are provided - super helpful.

I have learned, through this and other courses, that a lot of the hard work in writing is setting the structure - there are so many angles that can be simply followed.

Just do it!

Cathy York 1 year ago

The Content Writing online self-paced course is a convenient starting point to writing - it meant that I could complete it in my own available time.

The video demonstrations are a great learning tool as they make it easy to understand the before and after examples.

I took on this course to help me learn to write content for my current employer. I now have a number of writing options I can apply to my work.

Give it ago, you're worth the educational investment and you never know where it will take you.

Peter 1 year ago

I like the clarity, pace and practicality of the AWC courses.

I gained practical tips and the confidence to keep pushing forward toward my next horizon as a writer.

Just do it... :) Go for it, open your mind, you'll enjoy it.

Toni Grant 1 year ago

I liked the easy format and being able to download scaffolds for future use. An easy-to-understand format, breakdown of different types of content writing.

It helped clarify some areas for me as I write a lot of "how to" articles.

Rebecca Murphy 1 year ago

I really like the time spent on going through different examples and showing different ways to achieve the desired outcome using the templates provided.

It has given me the confidence to write about the things I know about and to not be scared to put my thoughts out there.

It makes the writing process accessible and takes the fear out of it.

Daleena 1 year ago

This is a useful course. It's clear, succinct, and covers a fair bit of ground with a range of content approaches and samples of how they are used in different contexts. Supplementary materials provide useful insights into the SME and big business markets.

I enjoyed the templates and different types of samples. Appreciate the bonus materials too. Clear presentation and easy to complete are big plusses.

Aneeta Krishna 1 year ago

As an intro to content writing, it was concise yet comprehensive. The templates are very useful as a framework for your content pieces and to spark your thought process.

The practical application to published work gave me a good understanding of the varied approaches to content writing. It has given me confidence to shape my ideas into a piece of writing.

If you'd like to be a writer, the Australian Writers' Centre can give you the confidence and support you need to realise your dream.

Laura Boyce 1 year ago

I enjoyed listening to Valerie's professional but relatable content. Now I have the foundation to create blogs without having to 're-invent the wheel.' I feel more confident.

It's perfect if you have a thirst for learning something new in an engaging way.

Amy Dewhurst 2 years ago

The examples of different types of articles and how to write them were fabulous - so very helpful, and I will use them as regular references. The information was practical and useful, and the course was quite quick to get through. I will watch these modules more than once; an excellent course.

The templates and examples of each type of article were so valuable. Thanks, Valerie and AWC!

I feel more confident in offering the various types of articles, and the templates have given me a great way to organise my work and get started quickly topic to topic.

I wholeheartedly recommend AWC courses, as you will never find better value for money, time, quality and instruction than the AWC courses.



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