Mike Cullen 9 months ago

I'm writing queer romance and wanted to understand the background of romance better. The video interviews were good, as was the overall background understanding the material left me with. The understanding of the characters' motives was eye-opening.

Romayne Pavan 1 year ago

I enjoy writing and wanted to explore the romance writing genre. Wanted to learn how to write romance.

I enjoyed listening to the other authors and their stories. I learnt a lot throughout the course.

A great place to learn about romance writing, with exercises and helpful handouts. And the presenter explains well. During this course, I came up with a story idea which I started writing.

Lisa Manktelow 1 year ago

I have a lot of stories in my head but needed more technical information. I'm an avid romance reader and really wanted to try my hand at adding to the ever-growing romance community.

I enjoyed the fun, relatable and relaxed course audios. They kept me wanting to listen and never tire of the study I'm doing. The links and references were also a great help in expanding on what I am learning.

It really helped me plan and organise the stories I am trying to write. I went over stories I'd already written and adapted them with the structures mentioned in the book and I found I loved my stories more using the techniques I'd learnt.

Dijana 1 year ago

I was looking for the best course to start my journey and am so pleased I discovered it with AWC!

It gave me an insight into how to better construct a novel. I learnt what genre or sub genre my story belongs to and how to simply just pick up that pen (or keyboard) & write!

I have more confidence in my ability to write what I love to read.

Evie Gourvelos 1 year ago

I've always wanted to write. After doing the creative writing course, I was drawn to romance writing and I'm having a blast creating characters and storylines for this genre.

I enjoyed Valerie's beautiful voice, and the content was concise, informative and funny. It taught me how to create the characters in my mind, to be 3D, to make them whole and not cardboard cut-outs.

Kym Walley 1 year ago

Loved it all. So much information to ponder.

I now have the courage to put my words into my computer. Not to have a fear of failure. Like everything, practice makes perfect. A story doesn't write itself.

Just go to the website. You won't be able to help enrolling yourself in something. Such great courses.

Anne 1 year ago

I have always been interested in romance writing and wanted to learn more about it. My expectations were high, as I had already had experience with another excellent AWC course. This course met those high expectations.

I have learned a great deal about the construction of a story, scene by scene, character by character, as well as plots and pitfalls, and so much more! I also loved the inclusion of excerpts and/or comments from books by published authors.

Go for it! You'll get much more out of it than you imagine.

Anna Mahoney 1 year ago

I started this course months ago and only managed to get back to it when my time was almost up. Pressure-prompted me. So glad I did. Blew my mind!

The course is crammed with insights, recommendations and supporting material. Hard to single one thing out that I most enjoyed but I'll say it was the level of detail about what's required to write in this genre. I honestly had no clue of the complexity - until now.

Selina Shapland 1 year ago

I want to learn to write romance. I was particularly drawn to this course because I wanted to learn how to write romantic elements in my cosy murder mystery as a sub-plot, and it has really helped me to do that.

I enjoyed all of this course and I'll be coming back to re-learn as I keep writing forward. I think I really enjoyed the exercises that solidify the learnings, and the interviews with successful romance writers too. I also enjoyed the depth of knowledge provided, as well as the questions asked that got me thinking deeply about my characters, their pasts and how that affects them in the present, and I especially appreciated learning the difference between what is romance and what are romantic elements. That definition was enormously helpful.

My understanding of romance is clearer than it has ever been. I've started using the handouts to learn about my cosy murder mystery characters who are also love interests. I've plotted my story and included romantic elements so I don't forget them as I write forward. This has been the first time I've ever felt like I'll actually be able to write a story with romantic elements that work.

I think the best aha moment was the realisation that I can do this. With the knowledge and guidance of AWC in my writer's toolbox, I feel equipped to make my dream of writing commercial/publishable romance fiction come true.

This course was brilliant! It provides clarity on what is and is not romance, and exactly how to write a story that includes romantic elements as well as how to write a romance that meets a romance reader's expectations. If you want to write romance and you're not sure where to start, do this course!

Kristy Petrig 1 year ago

The author interviews were really interesting and encouraging. I'm now much more confident about the process of writing romance.

Do it. You will learn a lot. The course is very practical and encouraging. Plenty to sink your pen into (so to speak!)

Hannah 1 year ago

I wasn't sure if I was actually a romance writer, but this course cleared up that there are multiple ways to write romance regardless of whether I see myself doing only that.

I liked all the worksheets and handouts; I think that's an integral part of what AWC offers in their courses.

I know what I want to write, how I might go about that and what paths there are if I ever feel like being published is in my future.

It's so easy to dismiss a calling as a writer as something for 'another day' - but with AWC courses, that day can be TODAY! They're easy, simple to understand, offer great connections to other budding authors as well as professionals and the takeaways are enormous.

Jenna Lo Bianco 1 year ago

I really enjoyed the audio lessons and working with the handouts. It was a great balance of theory and real-life application. I enjoyed the relaxed tone and the level of detail given in modules 1-4.

I was editing my second novel at the time of beginning the course, and it really helped me 'check' that I had all the right elements, tension points, the arcs etc. in place. While completing this course I also signed with Danielle Binks of Jacinta Di Mase Management. So, while the later modules weren't very relevant to me (pitching/publishers, etc.), the craft-based modules really helped me refine my manuscript.

The 3 Act Structure and tension points content was great, really well explained, and I appreciated the clarity provided with regards to the main character drives and motivations. These points really helped me while editing.

Great value for money. Self-paced! All materials can be downloaded. Easily accessible. Trustworthy and well-informed content. Loved it.

Julie Ward 2 years ago

I love romance stories, so I was interested to find out the genre-specific requirements of romance writing.

The course was very detailed and informative in the plotting and character requirements. Great information and value for money.

Philippa Kaye 2 years ago

I wanted to learn more about romance writing genres as my WIP had romance in it but wasn't technically a romance novel.

I enjoyed all the new information I learned. I now know I have written a mystery with romantic elements.

It's attractive because it's self-paced and you will definitely learn something, even if it's: you're on the right track!

Josephine Montarac 2 years ago

I enjoyed the clear structure and expectations contained in each module. Valerie's professional and interesting reading of the information made it highly enjoyable.

I've re-thought the structure, characters and potential plot of a romance I had started writing.

Rae-Anne Whitehead 2 years ago

I knew a bit going in, but this course took my understanding of romance writing to a whole new level. What I enjoyed most was how vast the romance genre is! You can explore until your creative heart is content.

It made me look at my writing, and what kind of story I want to write, in a new light. I've been confining myself (and my story) to a box and now I feel free to explore in different ways.

I think this course is great for people wanting a greater understanding of the romance genre. DO IT! Your writing will never be the same again.

Melissa Johnson 2 years ago

The course gives a great outline for starting your story. It gives you the confidence, not to be scared, to be yourself and write whatever you like and don't be afraid of what appears on the page.

It's made me hungry to start writing.



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