Billie Rooney 9 months ago

I have been interested in writing middle grade novels for a while, and was half way through my first attempt. I decided it was time to find out more, and this course seemed the perfect fit.

Pamela knows so much about writing and was generous in sharing this knowledge with us all. Her feedback was constructive and I learnt a lot from the feedback I received, both for my current work-in-progress and also in a way that will be useful for my future writing.

I enjoyed being part of a cohort and sharing the experience with others, including the sharing of writing and feedback - this made the course so much richer than just doing it on your own.

The course made me think more deeply about the audience of my writing. While this seems obvious, it was the much-needed shift I needed.

I have loved every AWC course I have done so far. I was so nervous before I enrolled in my first one, but as soon as I started I knew it was exactly what I needed and more. I just wish I hadn't waited so long to jump on in!

Katie Hodgkinson 9 months ago

I was drawn to this course because I'm writing a story and I had a gut feel that it is suited to a middle grade audience, but I wasn't sure. Further, if my story is indeed middle grade, I want to know what that even means! And, what I should be aware of.

I have a habit of 'preparing' more than 'doing'. I was concerned that doing this course was another way for me to avoid putting words down. In the end, I believe I learnt exactly what I needed to know and I am grateful for Pamela's feedback.

Pamela is a comfort and a warm dose of encouragement through my ears. She also has a sense of fun, which shines through.

Russell Irving 9 months ago

I really enjoyed the structure and content of the course, the way it led you through the important elements, gave practical tips, guides, templates. Also loved being able to read and learn from the comments of all the others during the course.

I thought Pamela was great, very good at providing insightful feedback both positive and negative.

I enjoyed learning about the 'craft' of writing an engaging story for this age group, particularly the way to 'breadcrumb' information, having a believable character arc that drives the plot and structure etc.

Thanks Pamela, I loved the course.

Debbie Edwards 11 months ago

Pamela was amazing! I learned so much from her feedback. She was able to put her finger on exactly what was missing, and I was able to take that away and use it to improve my writing. She was kind and respectful, but unafraid to tell you exactly what you were doing wrong. This is what I really needed as a writer.

I would say that fiction writing is a whole different ball game to the types of writing most people do in their day-to-day lives. There are so many people who have strong written language skills, but probably don't understand the nuts and bolts of fiction writing. AWC can help with that.

Beck Blake 11 months ago

Pamela was fantastic. She provided really helpful feedback and shared so much knowledge. I enjoyed listening to the modules and receiving feedback on the assignments.

It's a great course with lots of helpful material and a fantastic tutor.

Caroline Lewis 11 months ago

Pamela was absolutely amazing as a tutor. So knowledgeable, and just a very lovely person. And her feedback was 'off the Richter scale good'!! I greatly admire and appreciate her passion for helping students hone their craft and become better writers - it shines through in everything she does.😊

One realisation, for me, was realising that a children's book doesn't necessarily have to be 'fun' (from a question that I asked Pamela). Many children's books obviously are, but there are also many that are a bit more 'serious', in terms of what they're about. While my novel will (hopefully) be a lot of fun, it feels good to know that it doesn't have to be 'fun' all the time (and it's not really possible anyway!!).😄

AWC courses and workshops are absolutely amazing. You will learn so much.😊

Val Bohle 11 months ago

I enrolled in this course on a whim. Children's novels? Hadn't read any for years. Then I watched a doco on Harry Potter and all the great books I'd read with my son when he was little came flooding back. Children's novels? Yessss!! Was I mad? I'd just finished Freelance Writing 1 and here I was thinking of doing something completely different! So I think I enrolled the night before it started :)

Pamela was absolutely brilliant. So spot on with her comments, always very positive but also constructive with lots of take-aways. I lapped up not only her comments on my work but also for other students - she gave out so much information that underpinned what writing children's novels is all about. I feel I have a solid basis to go forth and write my novel!

The feedback from Pamela was incredibly helpful, but the structure of the course and its content is very spot on, practical and vitally important in order to write a children's novel that can be read, understood and enjoyed by children.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Dr. Jean Healey 11 months ago

I found the ability to choose my own time to complete the work and the tutorials very helpful and it allowed me to design my own program. The writing guidance assisted in focussing my thoughts and made the overall process more engaging.

My aha moment was when I realised I had slipped out of the main POV into description more than once. I will keep an eye out for that now.

Pamela is a craftsperson and she shares her craft knowledge within the feedback. It's not always what you want to hear but it is what you need. Also the nuggets of approval are so welcome!

DO IT! you will find your skills and talents and learn new ones. All your work is appreciated and your efforts validated. It's well worth it for a twelve-month subscription to the course.

Tina Strachan 1 year ago

The tutor was lovely and very knowledgeable of the writing process.

I enjoyed creating new pieces of writing for submission.

This course answers all the questions you have about how and what to write for a middle grade audience, what that audience is and how to capture them.

Claudia 1 year ago

I've always wanted to write for children but felt I needed to gain a better understanding of how writing for this age group differed from writing for adults. Your course curriculum appeared to address all my questions.

As a full-time student, I hesitated over the cost but after completing the first module I realised it was money well spent. Carla was a fantastic facilitator.

The Writing Children's Novels course exceeded my expectations. Each module was carefully thought out and helped us develop our characters and build our story world. The audio lectures were informative and easy to understand. Their short duration meant I could listen to them in between other commitments.

Carla was amazing! She answered all our questions, provided additional writing tips and gave us thoughtful constructive criticism. She was also approachable and had a lovely gentle manner.

I really enjoyed this course - Carla was fantastic and the audio lessons were a great idea. I would highly recommend the AWC courses to other writers.

Monica A 1 year ago

Carla was a wonderful tutor, full of enthusiasm for everyone's story ideas and always giving positive, constructive, and encouraging feedback. Carla really encouraged me to continue on with an idea I was able to develop in the course and, as a result, that story idea is now my current writing project. Thanks, Carla, for your guidance throughout the course!

I always looked forward to the Monday feedback sessions because I found them so encouraging, positive, and constructive. I was always left feeling motivated to continue working on the story idea in my head.

Sign up! These courses are a great way to get you started with your writing, give you direction and encouragement and, best of all, truly make you believe that being a writer is a real possibility.

Melissa E 1 year ago

I have done other courses with AWC so I knew the content and delivery would be informative and professional. Junior fiction is where my love for reading and writing really blossomed as a child and, inspired by feedback from previous course graduates, I decided it's time to return to the novel I began writing over 15 years ago.

Carla is a very approachable and knowledgeable tutor. She delivered the feedback in a friendly and encouraging way, and provided many valuable insights across all the assignments. She was prompt in posting the video feedback each week and quick to reply to questions in the course chat. Really enjoyed her delivery (and reading her book too).

I most enjoyed the assignments and feedback. Each assignment was an opportunity to stretch myself creatively, and hone old and new skills. Having them due each week worked really well in encouraging consistency and also building some momentum as the course progressed. The feedback was a valuable way to learn and I enjoyed listening to comments about my classmates' work as much as my own.

Thank you to everyone who works to put your courses together, from the content creation to providing the chat rooms and assignment feedback. I appreciate the valuable information you offer, and the safe, respectful and positive learning spaces you provide.

Every course I've done with AWC has been insightful and professionally delivered. The tutors are industry professionals who are friendly, approachable and offer constructive feedback in a positive and encouraging way. You get value for money every time and you won't regret it!

Juliette Poole 1 year ago

I thought Carla was an excellent tutor and communicator, with a lovely, warm personality which came through in her assignment feedback videos. She was always encouraging, and her comments and suggestions were insightful and helpful.

I enjoyed being part of a writing group, which I've never done before. It was great to read the stories others were writing - so many different ways of approaching the assignments. Would love to read some of the finished work.

It's worth doing one of AWC's courses - go for it!

Tom Morris 1 year ago

Love Carla's feedback and the assignments were not too taxing or laborious. Carla's method of feedback was really helpful. I took notes as she talked and learned way more than I thought I would. A++!

I enjoyed learning fresh ideas and developing my writing for a younger audience, which I'd never done before.

I'd say it's worth it, not too difficult and absolutely makes a difference!

Thank you! So much. Really rewarding.

Patrick Kennedy 1 year ago

I was really impressed with the structure, assignments and feedback. I also liked the collaborative nature of the activities and the feedback the participants gave each other.

Carla was really helpful and her comments on each writer's assignments were also useful in a general sense, for all of us.

Good courses, practical, supportive tutors.

Karen Tyrrell 1 year ago

Carla Fitzgerald was an excellent tutor. She gave excellent feedback. Very constructive.

I enjoyed everything! The audio, the notes, the assignments were well-thought out. Interacting with Carla and the attendees.

Thanks so much! I'll let you know when my book/s are published. :)

Meg Taylor 1 year ago

The video feedback from Carla has been brilliant. It allows you to hear everyone's comments, rather than being insular, and this assists with things (positive and less so) I may not have experienced yet. The feedback was kind, direct, individual and advice has been useful.

If you're interested in writing. Do it. If you want to write well, learn from tutors with "street cred" in a supportive environment, and alongside likeminded emerging writers. Then do it with AWC.

Kirsty Tyler 1 year ago

Listening to all of the feedback and the lessons gave an amazing insight into the depth of your knowledge of story and the industry.

The tutor was exceptional. The experience and generosity of Pamela was wonderful.

It's great value for money and I would advise anyone who is thinking about doing an AWC course to just go for it! You will not be disappointed.

The AWC is an amazing hardworking community of writers that are incredibly welcoming. I would encourage anyone to try one of their courses...I think this one has been my favourite so far!

A heartfelt thank you to Pamela and all at the AWC, keep doing what you're doing, you are making a positive difference to people's lives.

Amy Genford 1 year ago

I found Pamela to be skilled, experienced and knowledgeable.

Listening to the audio lessons was a really nice way to learn. Being able to go back and re-listen will be valuable over the next 12 months.

I found this course to be incredibly worthwhile. I have learnt practical concepts about writing and writing for children which I can practice to build my skills. The course fit into my busy work / family / writing life because it was flexible and accessible. I loved it!

Jane Goldney 1 year ago

Pamela has a fabulous depth of knowledge in the area and shares it in a very encouraging way. Her feedback on all the students' submissions was incredibly helpful.

I enjoyed reading all the students' assignments and discovering the huge possibility there is still out there for writing great stories.

AWC offers great courses and an excellent range to suit just what it is you want to learn. Very professional and in touch with current industry practices. Good value and a great balance of challenging and achievable.



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