Arrigo Dorissa 11 months ago

There was so much information that I was ignorant about prior to this course. I would recommend this thorough course to any writer/author needing a webpage.

Susan Braghieri 1 year ago

It is very thorough and takes you through step-by-step all the processes you will need to do to create your own website, and it answers all the questions for those of us who aren't that tech savvy. I can go back through my website now and start improving it.

While some of the content I already knew, there was a lot of content that I wish I had known when I created my website a few years ago. It would have saved me a lot of time and angst!

The section on SEO, sizing and sourcing of images, up-to-date info on domain extensions for Australian authors, and some of the more technical aspects of building your own website. Excellent course.

The AWC has great courses with experienced presenters and value for money. I also like that you have access to the course for a year!

Karen Young 1 year ago

Michelle provided fabulous content in an easy-to-understand way. I now feel confident about creating my own author website, and I'll return to the notes I made about the course to help me.

The technical stuff around SEO was really interesting as most of us without websites have no idea about the backend of everything.

You'll learn so much - just do it!

Laine 1 year ago

The course offered actionable steps and strategies. I feel confident that I am able to implement the strategies. It will serve as my roadmap, helping me understand the essential tools, and techniques that will help increase my visibility online.

If you're serious about elevating your online presence and genuinely connecting with your audience, I can't recommend this course enough.

Pauline Wilson 1 year ago

This course was excellent, covering everything I could have thought of - and more. Michelle is an engaging presenter, which made the course very enjoyable.

My website is much better now although I still have a lot of things that need to be done. However, I know how to do most of them now.

I would highly recommend the Your Author Website course for anyone who wants to build a professional website without having to pay a designer.

Rosina Mrauk 1 year ago

Michelle presented a wealth of information and examples in an encouraging and digestible way.

I would definitely recommend 'Your Author Website' course by Michelle Barraclough. She is incredibly knowledgeable. Her presentations are meticulous and provide thorough insights into the whole process.

Jo Skinner 1 year ago

Michelle explains things well. I am not tech savvy, but she made the process seem manageable and even fun.

I enjoyed the step-by-step instructions about how to set up and then maintain your own author website. Breaking down a challenging process into doable pieces.

I realise that I have to put some time into self-promotion as well as writing and it confirmed my need to start a newsletter so that I can connect with future readers of my books.

The AWC is a great place to find online courses that you can complete in your own time.

Emma 1 year ago

What a fantastically presented course! Michelle goes through each step of the process in a really easy to understand manner, and shows you some great examples of author websites (along with suggestions for improvement so you can make yours even better). If you're not comfortable with technology this course covers exactly how to get help in what areas (e.g., website build, design) along with the questions to ask to make sure you get value for money. If you are tech-y then this course also covers how to use a website builder to do it yourself. It really covers all bases and has made me feel excited to jump in and create a website for myself!

James Perkins 1 year ago

Presenter Michelle is clearly knowledgeable in her topic and lays it out without ambiguity. She does not speak down to her listeners, but talks to them in a friendly way as if she is advising a colleague or a friend.

I'm now keen to plan my new website. It will take a little thought so it won't be up overnight but it's simmering in my subconscious.

Give the AWC a go! Definitely worth your time and investment.

Nicole Locke 1 year ago

Easy, practical tips to follow. Perfect for web design novices like myself who are only now looking to start an author website.

Lynnette Sim 1 year ago

The information provided in the course is highly relevant, well-staged and paced.

I enjoyed listening to Michelle. She speaks clearly and has a lovely tone. Her genuine interest in helping other authors getting their website right shines through the course. I believe she covers as much as she can without getting too technical. Thank you, Michelle.

Embarking on something new to me does not seem too fearful anymore once I gain some knowledge.

Laura 1 year ago

I was attracted to the course because it was website-building specifically for authors. All of the emails and info about the course persuaded me, and I'm so glad I did it!

Michelle is a wealth of knowledge and presents everything in an engaging, friendly way. This course gave me the steps and confidence to tackle building my own website - all the way from concept to going live.

My website is live this week, thanks to this course!

Tracy Hall 1 year ago

Michelle is personable and gave good examples of what she was discussing. It was nice to see various authors' sites as examples of what to create and these also sparked ideas for my own work.

It gave me a sense of excitement and optimism about my future as a writer (and possibly web designer for writers).

The Australian Writers' Centre offers such a wide range of interesting and exciting course topics that browsing their website makes me feel like a kid in a candy store! I've already signed up for four courses, completed two, and have another couple in my sights. I can also, for probably the first time ever, really see how a career as a writer can be in my future. I'm grateful to have discovered the AWC.

Fiona Gilmour 1 year ago

I've done many courses through the Australian Writers' Centre and am aware I need an author website. Unfortunately I have no idea about going about creating one. I jumped at this course. It was also an added bonus that Michelle had created this course as I listen to her podcasts.

I learnt so much; the content and delivery were both fantastic. I feel I'm so much closer now to having my author website.

AWC courses are great. You'll learn so much and feel supported on your author journey.

Elizabeth Macintosh 1 year ago

I was attracted to this course because it was designed for authors.

Michelle was very thorough and covered a multitude of relevant topics. The course has given me technical knowledge about, and tips for, my author website, i.e. what to do and what not to do. If a professional designs my website, I know what questions to ask them, what to request be added and what can be omitted.

Do this course and learn tips from an expert.

Rose Saltman 1 year ago

While this course comes across as being more tailored to writers who have already had books published, it contains plenty of tips for writers who are still in the beginnings of their writing journey, like me.

I enjoyed the clear presentation, good use of examples to illustrate, deconstruction of complex technological concepts.

It has given me an impetus and tools to improve my author website which is long overdue.

Joanne Van Raaphorst 1 year ago

The course has given me the necessary steps to improve my website, which has eased my self-doubt. I feel more confident in working on my website.

The SEO information was explained well. I knew what it was for, but had no idea how Google and other search engines use it.

If you're building your website, this course will give you the tools to go forth confidently. If you have enlisted a website designer, this course will give you the information and confidence to answer the questions about what you want and what the designer can provide. Michelle Barraclough's points were easy to understand for even someone who isn't tech savvy.

Laura Boyce 1 year ago

A thorough checklist of what to do, how to do it and why it matters. It was also affordable and a joy to follow. Exceeded expectations. I have never been disappointed by any of the Australian Writers' Centre Courses.

I enjoyed the friendly manner of the presenter. She was open, engaging and a delight to listen to.

It has given me the most important and valuable information I need to get my website working. It's all you need to know about making a great author website.

Gill Thomas 1 year ago

Thought it might be very basic with not much direction but I was wrong - good to get leads and references from Michelle.

The presenter spoke plain English, on the slow side, so I could keep up and just when I was getting overwhelmed she explained things to help.

It has helped me to understand and keep focused on the next step even though I'm not up to it yet.

I have done many courses with AWC and found them all to be very helpful, well targeted and it is great I can revisit them within 12 months.

Nicki Esler Gill 2 years ago

I have three books forthcoming and want to establish an online presence, including an author website.

The course was so practical, detailed and useful. Michelle did a fabulous job, so much so that I hope to engage her to build my website.

It has given me the guidance I need to put together a brief for a really effective author website. It has also galvanised my thinking around the effort I will need to put in to build income around my writing.

High quality, professionally run courses on specific topics. If there is an area of weakness in your writing skillset, the AWC can probably help.



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