Donita Richards 3 years ago

I have started a freelance writing business and needed to upskill.

Bernadette was fantastic, thank you. Bernadette's voice and instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Her feedback is personalised so I understood my areas for improvement easily. I am able to apply my new skills to my business offerings.

Do it! These courses are easy to follow and apply and I feel more confident knowing I have learned industry-ready skills.
Thank you, I have enjoyed this class and Bernadette's teachings.

Janine Slaven 3 years ago

Our tutor was very knowledgeable, compassionate and very helpful in the feedback she provided.

I enjoyed receiving detailed feedback so I can learn, and reading the stories submitted by others. I have the motivation to continue writing and to aim for publication.

The course delivers on the learning outcomes and offers very helpful feedback.

Cherie Corbett-Jones 3 years ago

I wanted to learn and understand how the publishing industry works. I liked that the course worked through the material clearly and logically. I also liked that it took into account e-books, audio books and TV rights.

It's made me feel more confident that I could talk with people in the publishing industry as I now have a better understanding of what they do. Finally understanding how advances and royalties work (while realising that this won't make me rich...)

If a friend or colleague was interested in becoming a writer, I would recommend that they check the AWC out for wonderful courses, a great podcast and a welcoming community of writers.

In regards to this course, I would say that anyone who wants to be a writer and who is planning to send their manuscript out, MUST do the Inside Publishing course first so that you understand the industry, so that you don't make mistakes and so that you understand what you are being offered. A brilliant course and I'm glad I took the time to do it. I have (copious) notes that I'm sure I'll refer to often. Thank you!

Peta Maitland 3 years ago

I've been writing since I was young but wanted a bit of structure and to actually learn all the concepts of writing a story. My first draft was a pantser attempt and with the second draft I wanted to be able to pick up on more of the technical details so I wasn't wasting too much of my time this time.

I find it hard to share my work - I don't have other writer friends. The last writing group I joined was awkward, so joining an online group wasn't as daunting. Pamela was lovely in the way that she suggested how all the participants could better their work instead of just ripping it apart. She was very positive which I loved.

I liked it being online as I sometimes get flustered when asked to write something in 5 mins in a regular physical class. Also it was lovely to be able to sit back and read the other work by the participants.

For me, it was just having someone say that it was good work and little things I can tweak here and there. I only have my family to tell me if I can write. It was lovely to have someone in the industry to actually say - I like this. I'm a typical writer and doubt everything I write.

I would say to definitely do it. I have taken a few courses now and have loved them. It helps and you don't feel so alone. Also it's great getting help from people in the industry - people who are selling their work.

Kelly Monardo 3 years ago

Very good approach to develop and build on skills each week to progress your story. Excellent tutor. Very good feedback and guidance.

I enjoyed receiving actionable feedback and being able to walk away with a complete draft at the end. It has given me the confidence to map out a path forward. A great hands on approach to improving your writing skills.

Joanna Donaldson 3 years ago

I loved that it was so specific to picture book writing in Australia.

Zanni was amazing!! Her ability to give positive and constructive 'off the cuff' feedback on our stories was incredible - she clearly knows picture books inside out!!

I enjoyed the focus of the assignments each week and having a deadline! And the quick turnaround of feedback from Zanni.

It has given me the tools and confidence to give writing picture books a red hot go!!

This is a fantastic course!! I love that it is so tailored to writing for children and that the focus is on the Australian industry and how it works locally, as well as thinking internationally. Zanni Louise is a brilliant tutor - experienced, honest, kind and helpful.

Thank you AWC! Very reluctant for it to end but thanks also for the ongoing opportunities to stay in touch.

Kaitlin Oliver-Parker 3 years ago

It helped me to focus in on the two areas of writing I'd like to continue to pursue. Everyone feels like an imposter sometimes. It will light a fire under your bottom and make your fingers itch with the desire to get writing!

Sophie Kilmartin 3 years ago

The format and structure works well with the mix of audio and reading material and class chat. Cat seems very professional whilst being honest and personable.

I realised I really looked forward to doing the class time and writing. I am beginning to think I could do this.

The course is well-structured, easy to digest and incorporate in normal life, and technically reliable.

Wayne Murphy 3 years ago

I have always wanted to write a picture book based on tales my father told me as a child and was encouraged to use my spare time (due to being made redundant from my job) to take the course. I was hesitant about the cost, but I soon learned it was worthwhile!

Zanni was a great tutor and provided some wonderful feedback. As with all writing, some was harder to take - critiques of creative writing always seem personal! - but the feedback was delivered in a professional and constructive and always was aimed to improve the quality of my work. Some of her feedback brought tears to my eyes, but in a good way!

I enjoyed the encouragement from Zanni and the other students, which was encouraged and supported by the course framework and structure.

I learned that things will not be as easy as I'd hoped! But I am encouraged to continue with my creative pursuits, thanks to the information and encouragement provided.

If you feel you have a good book waiting to come forth, find a course at the AWC and make the dream reality!

Thanks to Zanni for her wonderful advice and support.

Debbie Guertin 3 years ago

The tutor was fabulous. Very knowledgeable and also very generous with her time.

I had completed shorter courses and felt this was a way to really commit to my story. I thought, how can I possibly workshop other student's work if I was unsure about the writing process, but I found out that as a reader I know what I like in a story. I enjoyed the workshopping and feedback.

I am committed to finishing my story.

Hannah Kissel 3 years ago

I loved working with the group and Bernadette! Bernadette was kind, firm, and a great instructor. I loved working with her and hope I get to work with her in the future.

I loved the ability to workshop with the other participants, even if it was on Zoom rather than in a classroom. The course ended up with 5-6 participants who showed up regularly which was the perfect amount.

It got me on the path of creativity again.

Samantha Valentine 3 years ago

I was interested in learning more about the publishing industry. Plenty of content and resources. Helped me get my head around publishing, contracts and made me think about whether indie publishing is better for me. Indie publishing may be the way to go for my book.

Samantha Valentine 3 years ago

I wanted to build upon my existing skills, although I was a little bit nervous about sharing my story for the first time.

The tutor was very knowledgeable and helpful. I enjoyed sharing stories with others, providing feedback and making some great friends.

I have made a really great friend and we are now reviewing each other's full manuscripts. And the course helped my writing improve immensely. I can do this!

Amanda Bower 3 years ago

I have a lot of ideas for children's picture books and wanted to learn more about the industry and the 'rules'. I thought I'd come out of the course with a story idea ready to submit to a publisher, or at least ready to start thinking about that. But it's clear I've still got a lot of work to do!

Zanni was great. Her feedback was helpful. She clearly has a good understanding of the industry.

The idea that you have to convey so much in so few words actually means it's very difficult! New respect for picture book authors!

I will make more time to write as I found I really enjoy it. A great way to study and learn and write in your own time while still feeling like you have classmates. Thanks for the course!

Anne Farrell 3 years ago

I'd recently completed Creative Writing Stage 1 and wanted to continue the momentum. Getting my word count up to meet the entry requirements for Novel Writing Essentials was a good incentive, and I liked the idea of having writing targets to work towards during the course.

I enjoyed the pressure of showing my work to my classmates but I also feared it at the same time, if that makes sense! It made me try much harder to bring out my best writing. I enjoyed reading my classmates' stories too, and learning how to read and review as a writer.

Bronwyn is knowledgeable, kind and sensitive in how she provides feedback. She obviously put a lot of effort into critiquing our work, and I enjoyed reading what she wrote about my own writing as well as my classmate's. I've learned a lot from this.

Before doing courses at the AWC, I'd listened to or read dozens of books on the art of storytelling. I thought I knew quite a lot about how to approach writing a novel. But doing 'How to Write for Children and Young Adults', 'Creative Writing Stage 1' and 'Novel Writing Essentials' has shone a light on many gaps in my knowledge and skillset, and provided me with tools and insights to fix this. The encouragement and camaraderie of my classmates and teachers have been highlights too.

Madylene Planer 3 years ago

I liked that it's foundational and teaches the basics of good story writing

The online tutor was great; she gave good feedback. I enjoyed the lessons and the feedback on my assessments - so I could see where I went right or wrong.

I now want to explore other courses to expand my creative muscles.

I would say it's a great course where you can learn from quality teachers, get quality lessons/materials and feedback on your work.

Kate Mitchell 3 years ago

This course was really thorough. I didn't realise how much I didn't know and feel like I learnt so much.

Zanni was great! She knows what she's talking about and I really enjoyed her feedback via Loom. I also enjoyed reading other students’ stories and interacting with them online.

I already have recommended AWC to two other friends.

Christine Pike 3 years ago

I thought Cat was great and offered useful feedback and encouragement.

It was a really accessible and easy to navigate course. I feel much more confident to pitch an article to a magazine and how to do that.

A great way to get into the writing industry with fantastic insight and mentors.

Rita Coleman 3 years ago

I have always wanted to write a novel but didn't know how to go about it. I knew that I needed help to get started. Just going on Google was not helping me, I needed structured help.

I want to start writing my novel now whereas before I was too scared to start.

Annabel was extremely helpful. I loved getting her input about what I had written. It really helped me improve.

... I am sad it's finished. It went so fast.

Stephanie Newton 3 years ago

I have never written before and the course gave a good guide to how to start the process of writing a Picture Book.

I would recommend the course as it was very informative and enjoyable.



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