Amanda Gorman 1 year ago

I enjoyed the intimacy of the course. Writing is often a space void of other people's voices and just listening to Valerie's voice felt very personal; like a character in a self-help script with Valerie as the POV narrator (writing doctor) helped with the diagnosis, cure and healing. I came away from the course with a sense of calm for what is a huge operation to dissect a manuscript.

No matter where you are with your writing, the AWC will meet you with the knowledge to take you to the next level.

Donna Munro 1 year ago

I've been getting the newsletter for ages and thought it was about time I did a course. I chose Cut, Shape, Polish because I have self-published books and want them perfect. I also have two manuscripts that I am submitting to traditional publishers. I wanted them polished before I went the submission rounds.

There was a lot packed into the course. Everything I needed to correct the parts of my story that weren't working, improve the overall plot and revise until I am happy with the results.

I'm now confident to submit when I do my final read-through and proofread. I had lost confidence and had let the MS sit for about a year.

I know a lot of writers who use critique groups and beta readers and think it's enough to fix a manuscript. I recommend this course to cut, shape and polish until your MS shines like a diamond. You'll still have to send it to beta readers but it will be a much cleaner copy and close to publication standards. Thanks, AWC, Angela Slatter and Pamela Freeman for creating this editing course, and Valerie Koo for the lovely audios.

Angelina 1 year ago

It was a very helpful guide in self-editing. The steps were laid out in an easy way for referencing. That chapter on characters was great as it made me look at my secondary characters differently.

There is a course for everyone. The content is clear and enjoyable and you will learn so much about writing.

Angela 1 year ago

I enrolled in the course because I had a newly finished manuscript and wasn't sure what to do next to tighten it up. I wasn't sure it was going to teach me enough... (but it definitely did!)

I enjoyed seeing my manuscript get better and better each time I followed the steps.

Laura Di Scala 1 year ago

This course seemed to be perfect for me. I have written a novel and edited it many times. I also paid to have my novel professionally edited. She gave me loads of really useful information and advice that I painstakingly put into place. I was always worried though, that if I didn't start to really take on the 'how to' of editing myself, that I would never get anywhere with my novel.

This course offered a way to really attack my novel and get it to be the best it can be. I am really grateful for the information given.

It's pretty clear that if you follow all the steps properly, that you will end up with a far better novel than what you started with. I really liked how this course gave such a clear answer to the question 'what do I do now?'

I really feel ready to move my novel into the next phase. I already knew that my novel had significantly improved since being professionally edited. The advice that I was given after that read was so in line with what came out in this course that I wish I had have done this course first. Then I could have had her read it after I had done all these checks and changes.

So easy. You just jump on your computer whenever you have the time and start learning. You can do it all in a day, or a little bit every week. I also really loved how the language used in the audio really made me (the writer) feel completely normal for wanting to write a book even when I don't know if I have what it takes. It was reassuring.

Sandra Wiles 1 year ago

There is so much content that I wish I knew before I wrote my first draft but it will definitely make it a faster writing process next time.

I like the fact that steps are fed to you in a particular way for a reason which you don't realise until you get to the end.

It has made me realise that all the mistakes, habits, patterns, etc are not unique to me - they happen to everyone, especially first-time writers. It was a great confidence booster in that regard.

The courses give you structure, a place to start, a roadmap. I have done many AWC courses and live workshops and all have been worthwhile.

Nicole Hadlow 2 years ago

I had no idea editing could be so fulfilling and enjoyable! The step-by-step structure of the course really appealed to me, and of course, having completed each step with my first-ever manuscript to show for it speaks for itself.

I bought this course as a "carrot" to push me to finish a manuscript. As in, I had half a dozen unfinished manuscripts sitting in my digital desk drawer that I kept neglecting because a) I didn't think they were particularly good and b) I was scared of the editing process. Buying the course was meant to make me accountable to achieve something.

I LOVE step-by-step, guided processes. Knowing you could literally tick a box once you'd completed a step was very gratifying. I also loved the feeling of empowerment, that I really could edit my own story, do it justice, and come out with a polished manuscript ready for beta readers!

As I was working through editing my existing manuscript, I could see how the course content provides not only a beautiful framework for work I have already completed but how easily applicable the knowledge will be to the words and stories that are yet to come. For example, for an idea I have been nurturing for a while, I am already starting to think about where my inciting event needs to occur, how I need to show the motivations of the main characters, and establish a compelling and unique voice from the get-go, among a myriad of other considerations.

Go for it! I have completed three courses now and the knowledge I have gained has been invaluable.

Kendra 2 years ago

I like that there were different exercises that gave 'bird's eye views' of the manuscript.

It has given me new tools to approach editing (which will also affect how I plan and write in the future).

AWC courses are good and well designed for self-paced learning.

Ann Connolly 2 years ago

The course gave me so much more than I was thinking it would. I enjoyed the amount of detail. It confirmed I have done quite a bit right but there are areas that need improving.

As I am writing historical fiction, I have come to understand it takes a great deal of learning, research and being open to feedback and however many drafts it takes, to get to a point where I am ok with sending it out there!

The amount of detail is guiding me to make positive changes to my writing and has given me more confidence that I can get my story into good shape!

Caroline McAleer 2 years ago

I had finished my first draft and wasn't sure where to go next. I enjoyed having clear steps to follow. As a person who craves organisation, the first draft was hard! Here I feel I've imposed some order on everything and made it better, step by step.

I'm getting deeper into POV on my rewrites. Keeping all I have learned in mind has made a huge difference to the quality of my story and my prose.

Highly recommended. I've learned so much from the courses with AWC. So much so I'm starting Write Your Novel in 2 weeks to try to develop even further. I wouldn't have this draft without AWC. I wouldn't have even had a first one!

Hannah Arney 3 years ago

I had just completed the first draft of a novel I'm working on. It was great timing, as I felt I needed help with the editing process.

It has opened my eyes to just how big a task writing a novel actually is. It's also provided tips that will hopefully prove beneficial in the future should I write another novel. Hopefully they will save me a lot of time.

The course material is easy to follow and the people working there really care about seeing you grow in your craft and having fun in the process, whilst being honest about how big an endeavour it can actually be.

Eden Annesley 3 years ago

Helped me realise what I'll have to do to edit my novel. I wasn't sure how to approach it (major rewrite several times!) but I really liked the clear steps and focus points of this course.

Editing is hard and it's not about rewriting a billion times - it's about being logical and proceeding through different stages to pinpoint problems!

Do it, it's helpful, don't leave it to the last minute like I did.

Joanne Van Raaphorst 3 years ago

I knew I'd need this course to edit my manuscript when I finally finished it. It backed up what I learned in the Fiction Essentials - Scenes course. The handouts are an awesome tool to be used over.

During the course I found myself saying, "Yes! I did that in my manuscript." For example, the final segment - making sure the ending ties up answers asked in the first part of the book. It also highlighted areas I have doubts about - sagging middle.

The Australian Writers' Centre is the right place for all the write courses.

Rachel Smit 3 years ago

I've done quite a few of your courses and this one was a standout. Practical. Great to have a clear process to follow and templates to assist with editing. I will use this process and tools to edit manuscripts in future.

Well structured, clear, practical, great tools.

Amanda Willimott 3 years ago

I had finished the second draft of my manuscript and wasn't sure of the next step. I knew it wasn't ready to submit but I wasn't sure what I needed to do to improve it.

I love the self-paced online format for the more technical courses, such as this one. There is so much information and I can pause, stop or continue depending on my capacity to learn.

The power editing process has clear steps that were well explained. It gave me the skills and the confidence I need to self-edit my manuscript.

I feel more confident in my ability to self-edit and submit to a publisher or literary agent.

The Australian Writers' Centre gives you the tools you need to improve your writing as well as your confidence in your own abilities.

Larissa Collins 3 years ago

I needed to learn how to self-edit. I love the writing, and had completed your course on this in different genres, but was totally clueless as to the editing process.

This was so thorough. I have to admit, it was very overwhelming at the start as there were so many steps and hours of editing changes that needed completing. It has taken some time to get my head around just how much work is involved in editing.

I enjoyed the examples, the handouts, the specificity of the content. It was so helpful.

I had no idea of the detail and steps involved in editing. This is an entirely different process to the actual crafting and writing of the manuscript.

I learnt so many things that I did not know. The course was extremely worthwhile, very thorough editing process, takes hours (not just to do the course, but to do the editing on the manuscript) and you will have a much better manuscript once completed, along with a greater likelihood of publication.

Michael Morell 3 years ago

I am an avid listener of the So You Want to be a Writer podcast. When I heard the new (at the time) course advertised, it was perfect timing. I was just about to start the editing process on my first novel and didn't really know much about how to go about it.

I enjoyed being able to work through the course at my own pace. It enabled me to adjust to my work commitments and customise each step of the process appropriately for my manuscript.

I now have a tried and tested editing process that I would definitely use again. The course also made me feel confident in my writing, assured me during those moments of insecurity and encouraged me to persevere.

The course opened my eyes to the power of a robust spreadsheet. I created a detailed KIC list, scene list, character charts and time line that organised my thinking and clearly highlighted what I needed to change and what was working well.

Australian Writers' Centre is a friendly and welcoming writing community. The courses are accessible, engaging, packed full of valuable information and professionally presented. Both courses that I have done have delivered exactly what I was expecting.

Samantha Valentine 3 years ago

I liked that it was so in depth and provided exercises to complete that I might not have done otherwise. I think I've done a much better job at self-editing my manuscript because of this course.

Just do it!

Jo Crowe 3 years ago

I have completed a draft of a novel and needed some advice and direction on how to edit my work. (Also) I have done a couple of other AWC courses and really benefitted from the learnings.

The Course is thorough and gives specific advice on where to start with editing your first draft. Made me hone in on structure, and I now realise how much has to be done to get a manuscript up to scratch. I have a lot of work to do but feel motivated to do it with a clear process outlined for me.

I like that the modules are focussed on specific topics and split the editing process up so you can tackle one topic at a time. Feels less overwhelming. The handouts are great and a good resource to go back to whenever you need to.

I feel more energised to deal with the editing process and feel ready to make the time to write the next draft.

For anyone interested in writing a novel or having a career in writing, the AWC has so many great courses to choose from to help you on your way. I listen to the podcast weekly and love hearing about writer's journeys. It gives me inspiration to write and work towards my goal of completing a novel.

Melanie Powell 3 years ago

I am passionate about finishing my first novel and making it the best it can be. I have loved every course from the AWC - I particularly like the interaction and real-world examples.

The handouts are excellent - I particularly like the four colour scene builder/reminder, and the power editing process pictorial.

I have explored and enjoyed many courses through the AWC over the years, finally nailing what I am most passionate about - writing my first fiction novel.

The steps, structure and real-world examples have been invaluable - enabling me to improve my writing style, and I have especially loved the interaction and direct, specific and honest feedback by Pamela (and her humour and quick wit!) and in earlier courses Bernadette, Cathie and Allison. I have also made some friends for life.



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