Naomi Shippen 3 years ago

I am in the final stages of completing the novel I have been working on for the past two years. When I saw this course advertised, I wanted to make sure I had covered everything. AWC courses are always so thorough and full of common sense advice so I knew that doing this course would help me to finalise my novel.

This course was so thorough and easy to follow. It reassured me about what I have done well in my novel and has showed me where I need to do more work. The module on beginnings and endings was particularly relevant for me, as I have recently changed the ending to my novel. I now realise that I need to change the beginning to align with that. Your course has given me some helpful advice on what I need to do to make my opening chapters more compelling and relevant to the ending.

This a a thorough, common sense course that will make the processes you need to follow very clear. This course demystifies what it takes to create a great story without taking away the magic.

Gill Thomas 3 years ago

AWC seemed to be a beacon for me when I was a bit muddled with my 'completed' manuscript. Research showed all these fantastic courses and roadmaps for me - thank god for AWC!!

I enjoyed listening to the voice - easy to understand and listen to with a bit of fun thrown in.

It helped me pull the journey steps all together - a map for my journey.

Well worth the time, effort and money if you are serious about becoming a published author.

Shannon Meyerkort 3 years ago

It appealed to me because it breaks down what can feel like an overwhelming task into manageable chunks. I did the whole course over a few days (without actually doing any of the steps) to get my head around what I needed to do, and will now go back and follow the steps. I like how it has already made me think big picture about my themes and characters, so I will go into the edit thinking critically.

It helps you see a logic to the editing process - it's helpful to think of it as layers and steps as it makes it not so overwhelming. While I already knew a fair chunk of the advice, the course has laid it out in a very structured manner.

I found the course useful in demystifying the process of self-editing by breaking down an overwhelming process into ordered and structured steps. I have no doubt my books will be much improved for the knowledge I now possess!



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