Ian Acheson 3 years ago

I've been receiving the AWC weekly email for a couple of years now and been reading about this course. Now was a good time for me to dive in and see what it was like.

The assessments were the most valuable part of the course as Cat's suggestions were especially eye-opening for me.

Cat was very perceptive and appeared to give everyone solid counsel as well as good encouragement.

I enjoyed Valerie's podcasts. I learnt many new things that are particular to feature writing which I appreciated.

Well done, Valerie and Cat. And thank you!

If you're wanting to be a freelance writer then do this course!

Tess Palmyre 3 years ago

My only hesitation was that I might not have the time to do it properly with work and home life. I delayed signing up for years because of this but always kept an eye on when the next course was coming out.

I loved the tips and examples in the course material! I finally have a method for feature writing and pitching to editors. I had no idea about either of those things before, it was very much trial and error. I feel more confident incorporating freelance writing into my communications consultancy now.

Vicki Milliken 3 years ago

A fantastic introduction into the world of freelance writing. The course is well paced and each module builds on the previous one. At the end, you have the basics to get out there and start writing and pitching articles.

James Madden 3 years ago

Sue provided great feedback. It was great to hear her voice in the first module too. The assignments and feedback were a great addition to this. I'm sure I wouldn't have learned as much had this not been offered.

My pitching has improved as well as my writing. Valerie's tips were great and really helped me see features in a different light. I can pick up on the format when I read a feature now, and identify the conventions. I also feel more confident in interviewing. I really appreciate the way the course was laid out. Previously I did a tiny bit of research and would then pitch. Unsurprisingly my pitches were rarely commissioned. Now, I can see the work that goes into a story idea before pitching, and I hope this will make the difference between my pitches before and after.

If you're at the beginning stages of wanting to freelance and you're wanting to learn more tips and tricks of breaking into the industry, leap at the chance to study the Freelance Writing Course with AWC. You won't regret it and it's great value for money.

Bernice Shepherd 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the course and found it extremely practical.

The feedback from Sue was great, very useful and constructive and very welcome. I think the feedback on my work and on others has helped me a lot in understanding what might be required of a freelance writer and what editors are looking for.

It is very confidence boosting and makes you feel like this is not totally out of reach. It has given me the very practical tools required to actually start putting myself out there to see what happens.

I think it has improved my writing by giving me more structure and focus, and a framework within which to work.

I'd just like to thank Sue for her very helpful and supportive feedback!

Randa Mushcab 3 years ago

I appreciated that the tutors were veterans in the writing field and could provide real practical advice for any beginner writer.

The tutor was encouraging yet constructive. Alex provided great advice each week. I enjoyed listening to her weekly feedback.

I liked having an assessment to complete each week. It helped me to get out of 'listening' mode and begin practising from day 1.

This course was like a blueprint to becoming a freelance writer. Valerie has considered every possible step along the way and covered it with great advice.

This is a great course for anyone who is serious about a career in freelance writing.

Sarah Bashforth 3 years ago

I was looking for a writing course that would let me "dip my toe in the water" so to speak without outlaying thousands of dollars if I then found that writing wasn't for me.

The resources are extremely helpful, in particular the audio lessons that you can download and listen to as many times as you need to. The lessons by Valerie are explained in easy-to-understand terms which was very beneficial to me because I have never had anything at all to do with the writing industry before.

Sue White was very helpful with the feedback she provided so you knew where you got it right and where you could improve.

I really enjoyed the way the online classroom is set out whereby you can chat and comment with your fellow classmates and tutor. I also felt that because you could view your classmates' assignments and the feedback they received from the tutor, it meant you could learn more about what to do and what not to do when writing a feature article.

I am longing for a new career path because I have been doing the same job for 10 years. I want a new direction in my life and to do something I am passionate about and something that gives me the flexibility to work from home or from anywhere at all really. My dream would be to go road tripping around Australia and to be able to write for publications about our beautiful country.

I would highly recommend the course to anyone. For a small monetary and time commitment you learn so, so much! And not just how to structure an article but about how to actually pitch to publications so you earn money from writing.

Justine Field 3 years ago

I started publishing pieces on Medium.con this year and this gave me the confidence to consider freelance writing. I found this course and it looked practical and useful as well as affordable. I liked the flexibility of the Online learning platform.

Cat was very supportive and approachable and provided useful advice.

I really liked the listening materials- very informative and entertaining. It was great being able to listen to them in my own time. They're a really good resource and I'll be dipping back into them over the coming months.

It turned the idea of freelance writing from a fanciful dream to a realistic prospect and gave me the tools to get started.

I think it's a really good course and I'm looking forward to more.

Eleanor Meyer 3 years ago

Cat is professional, experienced and kind. I really loved how the information provided was so clear, and brought to surface the information a new starter needs to know - it didn't assume information. It makes this feel possible...!

I quit my job! It gave me the mechanism by which I could build a future in writing. It was supportive and clear with its teachings.

A lot of this course is about making things obvious, clear and relevant, but a lot of it is also about being proactive and how to do that. Clearing the muddy waters. I wish you'd write a similar course for life, I'd drink it in! Thank you!

Emily Dawn Willmett 3 years ago

After a lot of thought in 2020, I had committed to studying Journalism in 2021 - then the fees were released. After being deflated and shocked by the 133% increase in fees, I began looking for other options. I quickly came across the AWC online and decided to begin in November 2020.

I was surprised at the level of detail shared, and felt it was all very valuable and well set out.

I have enjoyed the comments Cat has provided, and her feedback has helped me rework some ideas. I enjoyed learning about writing profiles, and receiving industry insights from Valerie.

I feel more confident to write for publications and I am more inspired to continue courses like this instead of university.

I'd say that it's a comprehensive, professional and affordable way of harnessing skills in communication to assist in many areas of business. It's not just for freelancers. Thank you.

Melissa Lourey 3 years ago

I would say that the course is great in providing practical, up to date information on not only writing feature articles, but the business side of becoming a freelance writer.

I recently sent my first pitch to Essential Baby. I followed the instructions on the module on following up and I'm happy to say they published my article. This would not have happened if I hadn't have done the course.

Thank you, Valerie and Sue!

Theresa Elmes 3 years ago

The tutor gave considered responses and focussed feedback. Really appreciated her time and input.

I enjoyed the feedback because, in order to understand whether I'm connecting or have potential to connect with an audience, I need feedback on what's working/not working. It's through and with that feedback that I grow as a writer.

Patsyanne Dudman 3 years ago

I have always had an interest in becoming a freelance writer and this course ticked all the boxes. The step-by-step tuition was fantastic and it deals with the now. Sue has an amazing wealth of knowledge and I like the fact that she does not beat around the bush.

Confidence was my biggest fear. I had that weighing heavily on my shoulders: can I do this? But once I knocked that away, I was fine. It was a fantastic course as there was so much to learn and take in.

Sue, poor woman, must have the patience of a saint. Her feedback is constructive and I appreciated that if she didn't like something, she was diplomatic about how she told you. Her knowledge is like finding a gold seam.

I enjoyed everything about the course, from start to finish. Plus the bonus of making new friends. No matter what level they were or niche they followed, we all contributed together.

I know I may not be the glossy mag feature writer; however now I know how to look for what I want and how to go about it with style instead of being a bull in a china shop. I am very thankful for what I have learnt and the teachings and feedback from Sue.

Josephine Gagliardi 3 years ago

The tutor was great! Sue was really helpful and was obviously very knowledgeable. It was fantastic being tutored by her.

I loved listening to the module lessons with Valerie Khoo talking. I learnt a lot and it was really helpful to be able to listen when and where I wanted.

It has made me feel like this is something I really can do and really pursue. I'm excited to start!

Janet Stone 3 years ago

I enjoyed learning all the practical and insightful information. I have had 4 stories commissioned with MiNDFOOD, and stories published with The Saturday Paper, Kids on the Coast and Reader's Digest.

Do it or you'll regret it.

Kiera Archer 3 years ago

Alex was great and provided great feedback and always explained what she meant. Once Alex gave me feedback on my ideas and how to angle them more, I was like, aha! I get what you mean! and could go away and change it.

I enjoyed the assignments! I didn't think I would but once I got going, I loved it.

It's given me something to be excited about again. Also helped me to decided which direction I would like to go in.

100% worth the time and every cent!

Matthew Koch 3 years ago

I enjoyed the balance between advice on writing style/what makes a ‘good’ feature article, and an overview of the industry more generally - in particular what editors are looking for and advice on how to actually get your work published is spot on.

I was very appreciative of Cat! She consistently provided constructive and very actionable feedback and advice.

The weekly audio lessons were well structured and very easy to find time throughout the week to complete each module. The examples provided in the audio and on the handouts brought the course content to life.

I also found the weekly assignments were challenging enough to consolidate the learning for the week and feel like you had achieved something (not just a 'ticking the box' exercise), without being excessively daunting or stressful. It was also good to interact with the other students, and see their assignments/feedback, as we are all from different backgrounds.

Thank you Valerie, Cat, and all involved for a wonderful course. I'm sure I will see you in another one soon!

Jo Kinvig 3 years ago

I love that it gave me everything I need to be able to start feature writing right now. Super practical and really great content.

Sue was great; she obviously really knows her stuff! Her feedback on my work and of my classmates' work was really helpful and insightful.

I was nervous initially. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it. But that was everything to do with me and nothing to do with this course. And in the first week, all nervousness was gone.

The thing is, I think I can write, but previously I relied on my instincts to take the story where it needed to go. This course has given me the templates to structure an article properly, know how to do those sparkly transitions, write a hook, and the all important ending. But also, how to analyse a publication, interview people, and pitch my work to a publication. It feels like everything you need to know to get started in feature writing is in this five-week course.

Best five weeks you'll ever spend if you'd like to be a freelance feature writer one day. Everything in this course is aimed at getting you paid work.

Charlotte Sinclair 3 years ago

I liked that it was 5 weeks and I could do it in my own time. It was also super helpful having access to the teacher and fellow classmates. One day I would really like to do feature writing on gardens and the gardening industry and this course seemed like a really practical way to get started with this dream.

Frankie Pinch 3 years ago

Alex was generous with her knowledge and kind to us as students. Her feedback was grounded, practical & encouraging. I enjoyed the lessons, practices and set tasks.

I feel more confident and ready to pitch ideas. I learned about pitching several years ago with Valerie but feared the process. This time I feel ready and I’m not as fearful of the outcome, good or bad, if my idea is sound and the techniques are in check.

Just dive in whatever your writing goals or interests! I would add that the courses I have completed have given me the skills and confidence to get going and if I can, you can too.

A big thank you!!



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