Angela Emmerton 3 years ago

FANTASTIC. Cat seemed to know exactly what was in my head. Her feedback was always helpful, constructive and spot on.

I understand how to write a profile piece now. How to analyse a publication. I understand that my stories need to be current, that for a feature article your content has to be unique or new.

The AWC is professional and has a wealth of knowledge of the industry.

Sage Glasgow 3 years ago

With my plans for 2020 totally changing I figured it might be time to pursue my writing career.

This course made me feel like I could make a career out of writing and I love that.

Cat was very supportive and helpful and catered to any needs that me or my fellow peers had throughout the course.

I now feel like this is something I can pursue as a career, where once it used to just be a dream that I could never achieve.

... it is great for people who lack the confidence in writing and feel like they are unsure if this is something they want to pursue as a career because it is a really well done and supportive course.

Maria Teresa Coligado 3 years ago

I am wanting to do freelance writing aside from my full time job. I would like to take freelance writing seriously when I am out of lockdown.

The subjects on hook and good transitions were very interesting, also understanding and knowing a targeted publication's audience.

This is a great opportunity to go online and sharpen your writing skills especially when you cannot attend a class face to face.

Patsy Tierney 3 years ago

I thought it may not be very practical - I was wrong! Lots of very usable content. In particular, I found the last section useful... how to pitch!

I actually enjoyed the discipline of weekly assignments (its been awhile since I have studied - so I was very scattered to start with). It has encouraged me to keep going. I am very time poor with two businesses and midway through another course but I am encouraged to get my writing out there... to make it a priority.

Do it. It is practical and will set you up to not only write your first feature but have it published. Thanks - really great course!



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