Carolyn 1 year ago

I'm at a time in my life where I'm transitioning from corporate to creative, i.e. what inspires me, and thought this course would be an excellent overview of other options.

Thank you for an excellent overview. I especially enjoyed hearing about other writers' experiences and how they have made writing work for them.

I've realised I already know the area of writing I'm interested in and already have lots of experience from my corporate experiences. Now just have to get on with it while the time is right. Will also be looking at some other AWC courses to support my journey.

Do it! Tremendously helpful.

Rose Savage 1 year ago

The author testimonials/stories were great and they spoke to me. Helped to take the fear out and allowed me to own my life as a writer and hopefully soon to be published author, which has always been my dream. Writing books seems to be on the up and up at the moment.

This is a great centre which helps writers of all kinds to learn enormous amounts about a vast array of forms of writing, which enables many of them to reach their goals.

Margaret Lewis 1 year ago

It was easy to follow, and listening to all the people who have turned into writers from all walks of life is inspirational.

I realised that beginning slowly and by setting aside 8 mins a day, I can achieve my goal. Previously, I thought I would have to write a story in one or two sittings.

There is so much more to writing than you know and the AWC helps you break down the different aspects of the different writing genres.

Athena Law 1 year ago

Having only fairly recently made the life-changing decision to take my desire to write seriously, this short course seemed like the ideal jumping-off point.

The success stories were fabulous and motivating.

The course solidified a lot of my own findings, having listened to your podcast etc - brought it all together in one place. It's reassured me that I'm on the right path.

Definitely just jump in! There's literally 'something for everyone'. I look forward to doing my next course soon.

Sarah Harris 1 year ago

It was very enlightening to learn about the many types of writing. I enjoyed the encouragement from Valerie that anything really is possible.

I now know that to be a writer is not just a dream anymore; it truly is a possibility for a successful and flexible career.

The AWC environment is a supportive one, where there is a genuine desire from Valerie and the tutors for the graduates to succeed.

Rebecca Cant 1 year ago

I've been floating the idea of writing for some time. I had no idea what area of writing I wanted to pursue. I had no confidence to start. After reading through the courses, Reinvent Yourself was the best course to resolve all the excuses and doubts. I now have the confidence to write, a routine is in place to write regularly, and I look forward to starting another course with the Australian Writers' Centre in the future.

I was concerned I was going to be paying for a quick gimmick unstructured introduction course to writing. I can happily shout from the rooftops I was wrong! From the moment I opened the course content I knew I had found a genuine course created by professionals who are passionate about their students succeeding. I have not only learned about what types of writing styles are out there, I also learned a lot of life motivational tips and tools to stop the excuses and doubts about writing.

The structured course content was easy to follow. I enjoyed all the lessons and the length of time of each session meant I could easily fit studying this course into my lifestyle. I have the confidence to write, have set up a daily writing time and dream of studying the creative writers course in the future.

If you are interested in becoming a writer I recommend the Australian Writers' Centre. Course content has an easy flow of information. The visual and audio option while doing the course means you can study regardless of any learning challenge. There's a wealth of information to stop all the excuses and start writing. There's also writing programs for kids and teens.

Brendan de Vere 1 year ago

I have been receiving AWC email content for a few years now and have never acted on it (shame on me), but I have made 2023 a year in taking small steps to fulfilling my dream of becoming a fulltime writer. When this little introductory course found its way to my email inbox, I knew I needed to act.

I was so surprised by the endless career paths writing can take you. I have always wanted to be a novelist but have been so afraid of my creative intuitions for a long time, to the point when I have constantly ignored the screaming voice in my head. I really did enjoy hearing the experiences other graduates have followed in their paths to fulfilling their dreams and I really do believe I can forge my own path. Like Valerie stated throughout the course, "small steps," it will not happen overnight but with dedication, belief and hard work, there is no earthly reason why it won't happen.

REINVENT YOURSELF is an introductory course and sets out to motivate, inspire and inform. Valerie has done just that. It is the perfect "first step" for anyone considering a career or "living out a dream" in writing.

Valerie is amazing. Not only does she introduce a potential writer to the experiences and successes of graduates in all forms of writing, but the whole concept of the Australian Writers' Centre is surreal. To have such a professional teaching vocation available to people from all walks-of-life across Australia and beyond is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. Valerie wants you to succeed. AWC wants its graduates to become the best version of themselves. Having the convenience to achieve your writing goals on-line is just the "strawberry on top." I am really excited about what I can achieve.

Please, please do not hesitate. If you want to become a writer in any field, AWC will set you on the right path.

Michelle Muir 1 year ago

I'm at a crossroads in my life and just knew this course would be perfect for me while I wait for the Freelance Writing Stage 1 to start. I knew it would motivate me to start making changes in my life and start writing!

Love the course, and love hearing from people who've done courses with AWC and gone on to be published.

It has motivated me to make the change and get started!

These guys are great, the content is amazing and there are so many courses to choose from.

Jodie Matheson 1 year ago

I am in the process of reinventing myself and thought it would be a good tool to sense-check how I am going and give me some extra information or inspiration

Valerie was very honest and practical, always reinforcing that reinventing yourself as a writer can be done.

In conjunction with other AWC courses, I have actually started my freelance writing business.

If you want to be any kind of writer, AWC has a course for you and it will be well-structured, allows you to manage your time and other priorities and deliver valuable skills to help change your life.

Ann Pedic 1 year ago

I have wanted to be a writer my whole life, and after signing on for the Copywriting Essentials the self-doubt kicked in. I was doubting my abilities and wondering how on earth I could even contemplate changing the path I was on at my age. I saw this course and it sounded like the motivation I needed.

I loved hearing the accounts of former graduates and how they had overcome their own doubts and feelings of "surely I can't do this?" And the practical suggestions were exactly what I needed.

I really feel that I can make the change and finally become a paid writer.

Daniel Hughes 1 year ago

The case studies were interesting with individuals from diverse backgrounds with a common interest in pursuing their writing. Also it is great to see that many AWC graduates have been able to transition to full time writing and secure publishing deals for their novels.

The course has given me some motivation to consider taking up an entry level course in writing.

AWC receives positive reviews online and the course offerings are comprehensive. AWC offers courses for individuals interested in writing, regardless of where they are in their writing journey.

Crystal 1 year ago

I enjoyed the in-depth descriptions of so many real-life experiences of your students and the courses they took to help them on their writing journeys. Realizing that with quality courses behind me and some effort, a career in writing is possible. Finding out that people with no background in writing can still become writers!

I love your site! The range of courses is extensive and there is something here for everyone with a passion for writing - no matter the style.

Rose-Anne Fletcher 1 year ago

I was feeling overwhelmed about what genre and writing situation I wanted to pursue, and the title of the course struck a chord within me.

I know where to begin my writing journey now and was able to rule out certain areas that I know would not be in my best interest. I found it highly useful in establishing who I am as a writer - thank you!

The AWC is the best place to find direction for your writing goals and skills.

Chantelle Collins 2 years ago

I like Valerie's no-nonsense approach and down to earth advice as well as hearing from other authors who had completed courses and gone on to be published.

Just do it! Enrol today and get started on changing your career path.

Belinda Saad 2 years ago

Being a writer interests me and I wasn't sure where to start. This seemed like a great place to explore different styles of writing and see what I was drawn to.

I liked that I could do it at my own pace & listen and/or read the modules. I also liked that it was divided into modules and not one long course.

I feel more confident to give writing a go.

Well thought out, practical classes that are good value for money.

Elizabeth Peadon 2 years ago

It was logical, interesting and well presented. The interviews were apt and added value to the talks.

It has given me the courage to proceed and enrol in Creative Writing Stage 1.

Brooke 2 years ago

I feel like this course was very practical but also inspiring. It makes writing seem like a viable option if you work hard enough, get enough support and find your niche.

Great structure, lots of practical steps and many modules in a length of time that was do-able (bit by bit in your own time).

Mark Weinert 2 years ago

I thought it was perfect. I went from self-doubt and low confidence to believing I can do this. It fired me up to feel that I can accomplish a dream

If you ever want to put your story to paper you need to look at AWC for a clear path that you can follow. I spent too long wondering if I could be a writer when I should have taken this step long ago.

Emma C 2 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I have taken action already: I joined the local library, and started attending the Writing Fridays group. I have been twice and met some lovely fellow writers and feel a sense of community already. On the first session of Writing Fridays, I wrote my first short story, which was very satisfying. I am in the process of looking at short story competitions. I also attended an author talk at the library and asked her questions about how she combines psychology work and writing. I have also sent a follow up Insta message asking about the writing courses she mentioned in her talk.

Without the course, I would not have known where to start or what to do. Hearing from writers who have completely changed careers or combine writing with their current career, helped me realise that a writing career is totally possible.

Rakali 2 years ago

I love Furious Fiction and MOJO and have done other courses with AWC, but I felt that I needed an extra "boost" to propel me forward in my "self-reinvention".

I liked being able to "tune in" for a brief time, usually during my morning cuppa...getting my mind focussed on what I really want to do. I enjoyed hearing the enthusiasm and passion of other writers.

It inspired me to actually submit a manuscript to a publisher!

The courses at AWC have been worth my investment, but most importantly, they have been worth my time.



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