Kristen Frankland 2 years ago

I want to change career and have always wanted to write. I want to reinvent myself and this course covered it all!

I really appreciate the range of writers that shared their story as I am still discovering the direction/s I want to take.

I enjoyed how positive it was and affirming that I can do this!

At this point, I have yet to take some of the actions, but I think if I really engage with the step-by-step process (baby steps - thank you), I think it could be profound. I am at the beginning.

We have one life, so why spend it doing things we don't enjoy? For me that means changing my life, facing the fear and stepping into the unknown.

It was practical, positive and really reasonably priced! For the small amount, you can be on the way to following your dreams to become a writer.

Katharine York 2 years ago

It was exactly what I needed. Although I have always been fiction focused, the course gave a great overview of different writing types - I hadn't even considered some of them being an option.

I found each module easy to listen to and the tasks helpful for thinking through what I needed to consider about myself as a writer. Having to intentionally consider my values, what I wanted my writing to convey and what I would or wouldn't compromise was something I hadn't thought of prior to being challenged by Valerie to list them. The interviews with authors and their expertise added extra weight and reality - hearing their stories made me think - 'yes, I think I can do this'. The craft of writing is something for me to further explore, but the inspiration and excitement I feel after the course has given me what I need to actually take the plunge to reinvent myself.

I feel invigorated about writing and about owning 'writer' as part of my identity. In the past my writing has only been for me, a secret pastime that has mainly been musing. I now feel as though I have permission to add 'Writer' to the list of answers to the question "What do you do?"

Just do it - there is nothing to lose. The fact that the courses are professional and so well endorsed by both emerging and professional writers speaks volumes.

Terra Lea Ranson 2 years ago

The course content was inspirational and I am going to pursue profile writing, starting with my family. My mother is the last in her generation so I am going to interview her (no doubt more than once) about relatives.

The content helped me identify that I have some skills already and has given me the confidence to make a start.

The Australian Writers' Centre is a community of writers who support and encourage you to write, providing the opportunity to learn the skills you need to deliver on the goals that are important to you.

Elizabeth Lloyd 3 years ago

I liked listening to the experiences of the AWC graduates who had success in publishing their writing. It made me realise writing is not out of my reach. Anyone can become a writer with the correct tools and applying themselves.

Magnolia Cardona 3 years ago

I've been considering early retirement for a number of years so I can focus on my new career as a writer. I've published one book and have two others in the making but felt like a fraud and stuck to my other job which does not involve much creativity. The name of the course just struck me as the right thing to do next.

It was encouraging to hear that it is possible to start my part-time journey as an author while having a full-time job. And the reassurance that I can be involved in writing across genres and don't have to stick to my field of specialty.

Reinvent Yourself has persuaded me to pursue the path I've been thinking hard about and to diversify after my first book. It has also compelled me to do a little bit every day and not wait for weekends only to be able to practice my writing craft. I can also enrol in and practice feature writing and submit pieces as a freelance writer to relevant places while I get there with my longer-term project.

I've done two courses with AWC and they gave me the confidence I needed to believe in myself. The insightful advice and feedback by accomplished writers was inspiring. I had a reality check that reassured me I could do this.

Pauline Bryan 3 years ago

I was looking for informed advice on what to consider when tossing up whether to take a dive into the world of writing and editing. Valerie explained the different types of writing in a way a novice like me could easily digest. This has made it easier for me to consider which avenue I wish to explore.

From this course, I've narrowed down what interests me. Though this may change over time, the course explained that giving something a go, only to find out it isn't what you want, is not a waste of time.

The course format suited me perfectly. I could read/listen whenever I made time.

I'll be exploring the areas of writing that appeal to me to see which one really floats my boat.

I'm already recommending AWC :-) The flexibility, range and presentation of courses is appealing to all levels of experience.

Libby Talbot 3 years ago

I wanted a basic level course where I didn't feel like I had to produce any works - I just wanted to listen and absorb before I committed to an interactive course. I actually didn't know what to expect but I loved it.

I enjoyed the true-life stories of how people became writers. So inspiring! So many people who believed they couldn't write suddenly found that they actually could. Perhaps I can too. I learnt to believe in myself.

It inspired me to enrol in the Creative Writing Stage 1 course. I've been thinking about it for 12 months but kept putting it on the back burner. I've done it and start in a few days!!!!!!

Even if you're not ready to do a course, listen to the podcasts - they will give you the inspiration to look further into the Australian Writers' Centre and what they have to offer.

Tanya de Jong-Curtain 3 years ago

When I purchased it in May 2020, I'd already finished the first structural edit of my first novel (after I had graduated from the Story Doctor with Kate Forsyth which was outstanding) and I was looking for some further direction.

This is a great overview of where writing can take you and a confidence booster to believe in yourself and take action.

I enjoyed the can-do message - that belief in yourself and taking action will translate into the realisation of your writing dream. The PDFs are an excellent resource in addition to the audios, especially the bonus content.

AWC courses are excellent, comprehensive, presented by experts, and the community and wealth of resources are wonderful. AWC is invaluable for anyone who writes!

Lauren Schwetz 3 years ago

I have literally been in the process of wanting to reinvent myself career-wise. My background is in teaching.

I wasn't sure at first how I would find the time to complete the course during my week. I ended up finding out this was no cause for concern.

I loved the case studies of writers speaking genuinely of their experiences in starting out to becoming published writers.

I have grown up thinking a creative career was not a sensible choice and generally not possible. Now, I see the possibility through the step-by-step guidelines and hearing from other authors about their successes.

I recommend you think seriously about studying a course with AWC as the courses are so practically well-structured and delivered it makes your life as a learner so much easier. Your learning process is so well encouraged and supported.

Deanna Wong 3 years ago

The positive and supportive nature of the whole course was very motivating. I have already signed up to two courses (Creative Writing Stage 1 and History, Mystery, and Magic)! I was surprised that I enjoyed the case studies so much - I had thought they might be a little boring, but they were intriguing. Thank you so much for offering the course.

The course has motivated me to take the next step - in this case, the Creative Writing Stage 1 course. As Valerie says in one of the modules, "Feel the fear, and do it anyway". That's how I feel right now!

I would say that the course gives you an insight into what you can do with a writing career. There is no pressure to rush to do it as it is available online and pre-recorded, which means that you can access it at a time of your choosing, when you are in the right frame of mind.

Susan Scicluna 3 years ago

I felt the course had lots of content and really expanded my understanding of the different types of writing. It amazed me to find myself interested in writing that I had never considered before.

It changed my beliefs about struggling authors. It was so inspiring to hear great stories from authors who had found confidence and success doing what they loved in such a supportive environment. I loved Valerie’s narration too.

Although I have only completed my first small course through the AWC I could feel the genuine support for the students in their writing journey. So much content and inspiration. I can’t wait to start my next course. I have found my tribe.

Susan Roach 3 years ago

I was looking to reinvent myself. I enjoy writing and words and felt I would like to see if it was doable to become a writer.

I appreciated the encouraging and motivational content. Tackling the self-doubt and imposter syndrome was really helpful. Knowing that it can be done if I apply myself. Listening to the graduates who have successfully reinvented themselves.

It has given me the confidence to know that it is possible to be a writer.

Cheryl Rosario 3 years ago

The course was what I needed as I approached publishing my first novel. I downloaded and completed the course at my pace and found it so helpful during Covid.

I am now harnessing my self-belief and continuing to move forward with my dreams and goals that don't match with what others think I should be doing.

The common theme for me through the course was to continuously be asking yourself questions. I've never made a habit of questioning things. But since doing the course I have been much better at understanding and discovering the why.

Kim Wood 3 years ago

It seemed like a good way to get an overview of the writing landscape in Australia and an inexpensive way to 'test the waters' with AWC before enrolling in a writing course.

The stories from successful AWC graduates - such a wide range of them - were interesting, relatable and packed with practical, actionable content. They're incredible ambassadors for AWC!

The whole experience of this online course from the time I hit the 'enrol' button through to completion was outstanding - packed with interesting and practical content, professionally presented and a lot of fun. If you're wondering if a career as a writer is for you, I encourage you to take this course. You'll find it has the information and inspiration you need to take the first steps in your writing career!

I've enrolled in Creative Writing Stage 1 - watch this space to see what happens next!

Bianca Stewart 3 years ago

I was looking for inspiration from a reputable organisation that could provide me with practical advice and writer success stories to help me carve out my own writing journey.

The course was always going to make me confront some of my fears about writing but I knew it was an opportunity I could not pass up!

The access to downloadable resources including the workbook, videos and client success stories was great. It means I can revisit them whenever I need a motivational boost.

Reinvent Yourself was the first step I needed to reconnect with writing after spending too many years listening to my inner-critic. I knew the course would not only provide me with the necessary motivation I needed to break free from my comfort zone but also remind me that it is entirely possible to be a successful writer.

I learnt from some of the stories that even if you are exposed to writing every day in your current job and have the confidence in your writing, everyone can absolutely benefit from a course to build on their skills. The confidence to create engaging content is learned by having the right tools and even better support.

The AWC is a go-to professional resource for all your writing needs. It is a cost-effective and, more importantly, flexible option to attain new skills in a supportive environment. It does not matter if you have 20 years' experience or no experience in writing, there are courses for everyone. The AWC provide the reassurance that everyone is capable of shaping their own writing career.

Brigita Ozolins 3 years ago

I’ve always had a great love of writing, and as I’m transitioning to retirement, and working part-time instead of full time, I made the decision to pursue that love in earnest. I completed two creative writing courses, one with the University where I work, and another through a Writers Centre. They were fabulous, and I learned a lot, but I found myself doubting whether I could really follow my dream and complete the writing project I had set myself. Then I received several emails from the AWC about the Reinvent Yourself course and it sounded like just what I needed to motivate myself and build my confidence, so I enrolled, along with the 30 day Writing Boot Camp.

This course is incredibly positive and made me feel that it was possible to achieve my writing goal. I had already taken nearly all the steps recommended for reinventing yourself before I did the course, so rather than teaching me something totally new, it reinforced that I was on the right path and was doing the right things to achieve my goal.

I really enjoyed hearing about all the different options for careers in writing, the stories from past graduates and those from other, more established writers in the extra workbook. It’s also great to have both the audio to listen to and the text-based documents to refer to later - and to hear about other courses offered by the AWC that might be useful as I progress with my writing project.

It has motivated me to keep going, despite moments of doubt, so I feel much more positive about my writing as a result of this course.

If you are interested in following a career path in writing, and you don’t want to do a university degree, do a course with the Australian Writer’s Centre. They have an amazingly varied range of courses, they are highly professional, and the content is incredibly motivational.

Linda Swadling 3 years ago

I went into the course with no expectations really but I have come out with a direction on where I want to go. I was umming and ahhing about freelance writing and blogging and whether they were for me but this course opened up various aspects of freelance writing I hadn't considered and that I am very interested in.

I enjoyed hearing from people who had worked through AWC courses and how they were applying these to their lives - what work they have secured because of the courses.

I have a direction in freelance writing that I had not previously considered and, when I develop my knowledge in those areas, that will allow me to reduce my work hours in my day time job.

If you are considering writing as a career option or a way for extra income or a hobby, then you won't regret doing one of these courses. They are very informative and will open up avenues you haven't even considered.

Julian Beckedahl 3 years ago

I really enjoyed listening to the course's modules, instead of just reading the PDFs. Valerie has a nice voice and it's easy to listen to her commentary. I also liked hearing from graduates and understanding how they started their writing careers. Real-life stories really help.

I can see how you can keep your day job but explore writing on the side - in a meaningful and rewarding way.

Linda Sulman 3 years ago

Reading soo many success stories gives me more hope than I had. It has given me the confidence to pursue my passion for writing.

Reinvent Yourself is the perfect start for anyone who is interested in following their writing dreams. I found this mini yet extremely jam-packed course full of helpful tips. A bible that I shall return to for that push I'll need when doubt starts to creep in.

Kym Walley 3 years ago

I have had a history project in mind for the past few years but have found I am stuck on how to begin. I'm a Virgo so I typically feel I "could do better". So instead of just jumping in and going, I procrastinate. I needed a mentor or motivator to get moving.

At points in the course, I started to cry with relief that I'm not the only goose who doesn't know how to get started in discovering their path in writing. I can now flip my feelings of aloneness to motivation to write. Thank you and big hugs.

I enjoyed the no-nonsense approach. It was like having Valerie sitting next to me and encouraging me on. I opened my laptop and started writing. I didn't even worry about Chapter 1. I just wrote a scene that's been in my head. If it turns into a full story, kudos to me. If not, then I will just keep writing what feels right.

Before thinking of starting a course anywhere else, find your feet by doing one of AWC's courses. You'll probably find you won't need to go anywhere else.



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