Bronwen Channon 10 months ago

I knew I wanted to write a children's book; other than the idea, I didn't know where to start.

This course exceeded my expectations. Having actual tutor feedback on my writing was invaluable. She was very patient, very thorough, very quick!

I enjoyed completing my assignment, sitting on it, letting it rest, submitting on Sunday. Waiting for my next lessons, waiting for my Loom feedback session!

I am determined to continue with my journey to be a published author.

I have joined the Furious Fiction writing, I'm listening to your podcasts, I've joined your Facebook pages. I'm getting very involved and very excited! The AWC is a great spot to find a course to help in any aspect of writing that needs it.

Sandi Franco 10 months ago

Grant was very knowledgeable with great experience.

I enjoyed the easy-to-understand content. I now know where I can find the suggested tools. Plus it helped me realise a few things I was not clear on.

It was a great introduction to business writing.

Katarina Smelikova 10 months ago

Bernadette is very knowledgeable and her classes are well structured. She has been in the copywriting business for a long time, and you know you are learning from the Master copywriter, and not from a trendy guru. :-)

The new learning was effortless to apply. I enjoyed the comprehensive feedback on each assignment. I feel confident to prepare email marketing campaigns for my business or my clients.

If you want to make an impact with your copywriting, do it.

Adam Warnock 10 months ago

Nat is a fabulous educator, and you can see the genuine enthusiasm she has for her work. The feedback was spot on.

I liked that everyone was there for the same reason.

I can't think of any way you could improve this course; it was amazing.

Do a course because it's very straightforward: if you pay attention, your game will be lifted.

I'll be back.

Russell Irving 10 months ago

I really enjoyed the structure and content of the course, the way it led you through the important elements, gave practical tips, guides, templates. Also loved being able to read and learn from the comments of all the others during the course.

I thought Pamela was great, very good at providing insightful feedback both positive and negative.

I enjoyed learning about the 'craft' of writing an engaging story for this age group, particularly the way to 'breadcrumb' information, having a believable character arc that drives the plot and structure etc.

Thanks Pamela, I loved the course.

Vicki Miller 10 months ago

Cathie Tasker has a great depth of knowledge of and experience in the publishing world. I felt fortunate to have her look at my work. A pat on the back from her gave me weeks of motivation and I began to trust that I was writing a story people might like to spend their time reading.

I enjoyed the interaction with my classmates and seeing their manuscripts develop.

My 'a-ha' moments centre around how to write more cleanly and how to get the reader closer into the POV character's head.

In this course, you will be guided by industry experts and your book will get written. Stop dreaming, just do it!

Rhyll Vallis 10 months ago

I liked everything about the course. The Write Direction Zoom meetings were very informative and I enjoyed writing and reading the class assignments (and hearing feedback from all).

I thought Nat's feedback was good and that she was helpful and encouraging. I liked that she asked everyone about what they had read, were reading, and would read next and suggested trying the flash fiction activity. She answered any questions in the chat quite promptly.

There are things you'll learn from the course that you won't find in other courses or books on writing. Getting regular feedback from others is so motivating, and a lot of the course content and chat is very inspiring (e.g., the great writing examples, discovering new authors, sharing your love of books and writing with others). It makes writing less of a lonely endeavour.

I wish I had done this course years ago!

Christie Phillips 10 months ago

I wanted to learn how to write what ideas I have and put them into a novel. I wanted to learn how to structure. And to learn as much as I could to be successful.

Nat was lovely. She provided great feedback without making me feel bad or have any doubt that I could do this. I loved hearing what Nat and the students thought of my writing.

I loved the Write Directions with Pamela. They were amazing.

It has given me the courage to continue with writing my novel.

Do it!!! Don't hesitate.

Karin Fisher 10 months ago

Loved having Kate speak to me through the slides and her use of art in her presentations.

Kate' s explanation of the different types of narrative structures - I think all the different structures for fiction have started to come together.

Fantastic course. Well worth the money, time and effort to learn how to plot and plan your novel. As a discovery writer, Kate's suggestions were a revelation and I can't wait to put her tips into action.

Pat Grafton 10 months ago

Lesley was a great presenter. Everything was clearly presented. Pace was good. Notes were useful. Great use of practical examples. Each module was clear and concise and a good length.

Can't wait to start writing my first chapter book!

Christabel Marek 10 months ago

Thank you for a wonderful course! I learnt so much and I'm already planning my next one with AWC.

Nat was approachable, enthusiastic and gave me so much confidence with her feedback! She really took the time to explain her thoughts and I found it so valuable. Thank you!

The classroom chat was a fun aspect and I loved reading everyone else's work. I wish it didn't have to end haha!

I now write every day and feel confident that I can learn and grow.

It's friendly, encouraging and a wonderful source of information.

Jacqui Gregory 10 months ago

Bernadette was wonderful, very informative and provided great feedback, and when she praised something you knew it was good.

I enjoyed the interaction with the other students. Editing / critiquing other people's work does change how you experience reading and writing.

I am determined to finish my first novel to as high a standard as possible.

I have been recommending the AWC to friends, and I've simply said - if you want to write, find the AWC course and just do it - you won't regret it.

Thank you so much :-)

Trish Morgan 10 months ago

The exercises were really great for getting my writing going. It actually felt like I could do this thing!

It's given me confidence, but also a really effective tool kit of all the things I need to consider to get started.

What a great way to learn the basics of creative writing! It will give you a sense of how it's done, and allow you to test your own writing ability if you're not sure whether you can do this.

Megan Tudehope 10 months ago

I was glad I participated in the "Write Your Novel" course, because there was so much theory I didn't know and was able to apply this when redrafting.

The tutor was fantastic! Bernadette is so experienced in her field. She provided invaluable critical advice, while still being encouraging.

I enjoyed the interactions with Bernadette and other classmates. It was a talented and supportive bunch.

Do it! Worth every cent.

Sylvia Jimenez 10 months ago

I have completed many courses at AWC. I find them up to date, communicated very well and with many practical examples. This course has allowed me to refresh my skillset in communications.

I now understand how to break down high-level communications into understandable segments.

Thank you for providing relevant and cost-effective education to help people build on their skills. It's a great platform for self-learning.

Kate Hamill 10 months ago

Was amazing to do this with not only my best friend but I was also grateful to meet so many wonderful aspiring authors. Very helpful with getting me to see the flaws I had in my plot!

Loved it all. I have been able to take a step back and look at my work with fresh eyes.

I have already recommended AWC to a friend who is keen to do the Writing Children's Novels course. I explained how amazing the team from AWC is and how helpful everyone is and that she wouldn't be disappointed!

Just want to say a massive thank you to everyone at AWC for the professionalism everyone has shown!

Michelle Wills 10 months ago

The tutor was fabulous. She was honest and the feedback extremely valuable. I wish we had more time to pick her mind about the publishing world!

Overall, I really loved building up a relationship with the other students and sharing their stories. Personally, I was so excited I got so much of my novel completed. The most valuable thing was the feedback.

I have always loved writing, and always wanted to write a novel. Now I really want to call myself a writer. I think about writing all the time. I really want to publish, as I see it as the ultimate goal. I am now excited about a second novel I am planning to write. I am also considering courses in screen writing... just for fun!

Undertaking the AWC courses was the best decision I ever made. It gave me the confidence to write a novel. A dream I have had since I was a child. The support to reach my goal was there at every stage, and I am so grateful to be part of the graduate group of the Centre. I couldn't imagine any better structured course in writing.

I am sad the course is over. Our tutor was incredible, and I hope I have more contact with her in the future. I am excited that almost everyone from our group are staying in contact. I hope one day I get to have every one of their books on my shelf!

Bernie Jennings 10 months ago

I had done my research and the Australian Writers' Centre was a stand out. This course exceeded my expectations. It covered everything. Being able to work at your pace took a lot of pressure off to complete the course.

I found all aspects of the course a major learning experience. It has inspired me to continue my writing journey.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone willing to jump in and give writing a go.

Lorne Gruenewald 10 months ago

I would recommend this course highly. Well put together. Both Bernadette and Mark were excellent. They both had very accessible and personable styles of delivery,

I enjoyed the actual writing to the various briefs. It has made me considerably more confident in my abilities.

Don't be afraid. Start and enjoy it.

Ace Colhoun 10 months ago

Bernadette is a treasure. She gives clear feedback that can be immediately helpful, and gives long term advice about how to guide a writer on their journey. However, the best thing about Bernadette is that she is willing to change her mind. She advised against my number of point-of-view characters, but then said it was a good choice after reading the work. I agree 30 is too many.

I feel I can take a few steps back and move forward in a better direction with more confidence.

All of the online material is very helpful, and the guided feedback really sets you on the right path. They will not simply praise you, but honestly help you get it right.



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