Michelle Muir 1 year ago

The course is great. It's easy to follow and the audio is in bite sized chunks so you can get through it without having to commit to hours at a time.

The tutor was amazing. Alex provided fantastic feedback on the assignments I did do and I learnt a great deal from the feedback she gave others as well.

It's made me a better writer in general, especially in my workplace. I now think of things and review before I hit send.

Highly recommend, the courses are great and very practical.

Linda Car 1 year ago

I really appreciated the very hands-on practical side of what to do to become a feature writer, industry insights and tips of how to structure feature articles.

I appreciated the tutor's honest and direct feedback. Seeing her article in SMH recently was also a boost.

I feel I know what to do but now I just need to be brave enough to get out there and to also have confidence in my writing ability.

Thank you for the generosity of knowledge and dedication to quality work.

Damien Hickman 1 year ago

I have done other AWC courses and knew I would receive just what I needed to get a head start in freelancing and moving my career in this direction.

The video feedback was a first and it was just as helpful as the written feedback from other courses.

I was always going to do freelance work but I am much more confident in the next steps and making a start that avoids rookie mistakes and poor habits.

The pitching audio 5.1 was a great guide to the next step for me after the course, as I have several articles on the boil.

Just do it, do it, do it. You never look back, even if, like I did, you squeeze your submission at 11pm on Sunday it is worth it.

Sarah Harris 1 year ago

The amount of practical, industry-based knowledge I have learnt over the past five weeks has been phenomenal. Vivienne gave sound advice when delivering her feedback for the assignments.

I enjoyed the logical structure in both the modules and the assignments.

The course has given me much more confidence in my writing abilities and a belief I can work as a full-time freelance writer.

I would like to thank both Valerie and Vivienne for their encouragement along with my fellow classmates.

The Freelance Writing Stage 1 course gives you the practical knowledge and skills to go out and earn an income.

Michelle Parrish 1 year ago

I thoroughly enjoyed researching my topics and applying it to my assignments. It helped me to really identify the topics that I am most passionate about. Criminal justice is my thing!

I learnt so much and can't wait to start another course.

Jodie Matheson 1 year ago

Valerie was a great presenter and Vivienne offered thorough feedback on submissions. Great insights on how to actually go about getting feature articles out there.

I enjoyed the insights into how the industry works. As a beginner, it's really tricky to know these things without guidance.

Encourages me to diversify into freelance writing as well as copywriting. Expanding my skillset and opportunities to make a career of writing.

Really practical courses that can be completed without taking up a ridiculous amount of time.

Louise Gibbon 1 year ago

Detailed feedback, clear industry knowledge, and a great community of learners. It was amazing to listen to Vivienne's feedback for all of us. So much knowledge shared.

The weekly modular nature of the course pushed me to have a more regular writing practise. Having a Sunday deadline helped me plan out my time and assignments.

My natural tendency is to write and research in far too much detail. I would create a three-tiered cake with royal icing, piping and fondant flowers, but learnt how to serve up a simple, manageable slice! This course reminded me to edit ruthlessly and keep ideas crystal clear so that readers can pick up my work, sip their coffee, and read with ease. Never make your readers work to understand what you mean! Clarity is key!

The personal feedback I received was worth its weight in gold. Vivienne's detailed comments weren't always what I wanted to hear but were always what I needed to know! Thank you!

Thoroughly enjoyed the content and structure of this course. Logical and informative.

Cate Branscheid 1 year ago

I was impressed with the feedback. The tutor gave a lot of thought to what she said and it made a lot of sense. She was thorough and I learned a lot from her.

I had done some other online courses about freelance writing a few years ago and can barely remember what they had to say and they didn't give me the confidence to begin. That point of actually beginning and taking the first step still seemed overwhelming. After doing this course, however, I feel that I know exactly what to do now. How to proceed and take that first step. And the fact that this is stage one. So I have promised myself that if I take the next step and get one article published I will do the next course in the confidence that there will be more learning and support there as I go forward.

I certainly would recommend the AWC. You have a course for just about anything.

Drew Pearman 1 year ago

The tutor was excellent with great feedback.

A well-taught course with an engaging tutor; this is the perfect introduction to the industry and how to get your foot in the door.

Silva Mirovics 1 year ago

I had no idea what to expect but I just trusted the process set out and followed the instructions. It was amazing how much I learnt in five short weeks. I loved all of it.

Cindy was very knowledgeable and I really appreciated the feedback she gave us all. It was a great way to grow in my skills and understanding.

I have been motivated to write every day since starting the course. I get out my journal and am committed to writing one page every day.

If you have ever wanted to learn what it might be like to be a freelance writer then you will not be disappointed in this course.

Nitika Balaram 1 year ago

Really great and engaging feedback from Vivienne. I really appreciated the time and effort she put into personalising feedback for each of us and the value I gained from listening to feedback for others in the course too.

I enjoyed how all the modules connected and flowed step by step to show you that you could really write a proper feature article with the assignments.

I feel more confident in being able to write a proper feature article.

No matter what experience level or what ideas you have, you will gain so much value from AWC courses.

Catherine Daly 1 year ago

I enjoyed learning strategies for freelance writing. I thought it was wonderful how we could connect with other freelance writers through the interviewing process. The tutor Alex gave constructive criticisms and reeled me in so I wasn't procrastinating.

I now believe I can pitch myself to a magazine, although I am frightened, and accept their response, write the feature or move on to another pitch.

Don't hesitate if you are looking at a course with the Australian Writers' Centre as their courses set you up to do what you have always wanted to do: write. They show you how to believe in yourself. You come out knowing you were meant to be a writer.

Thank you for giving me the confidence to go forward. I will take every word from this course and put it into practice.

Nicole Dardemann 1 year ago

I was pleased with the level of practical tips about actually getting published. I learnt a lot about how different publications operate and pay, and even just the basic structure of a feature article and how to pitch was so useful.

I enjoyed doing assignments and being able to read classmates' submissions as well. It was great to learn from their feedback too.

I feel more informed and prepared when it comes to thinking seriously about giving freelance writing a shot.

Kathryn Hughes 1 year ago

I didn't have well-formed expectations of the course, but when it was over I was amazed at how much I'd learned.

Vivienne's feedback was very prompt and always relevant and supportive. An excellent tutor.

I enjoyed interviewing and writing a profile about one of the fellow students; not an easy task but a very rewarding assignment. More generally I enjoyed learning the industry insights and skills that the course gave.

I've also been thankful for the time, thought and organisation that has been put into presenting the course content, providing feedback and having an online platform that runs so smoothly. Better than any other online experience I've been in contact with.

I'm truly amazed at the perspective that 5 weeks has bestowed. I've gained understanding, confidence (of the processes at least), a level of professionalism, a fabulous and inspiring sense of possibility.

The course is great. It's informative, challenging but accessible and has enormously practical outcomes.

Brittany 1 year ago

I am looking for a career change and have always loved writing and telling stories.

Vivienne was very friendly and knowledgeable. She provided practical and easy to understand feedback.

I enjoyed the easy-to-digest content and opportunities to practice skills and receive feedback.

I now have the motivation and curiosity to begin exploring a possible future for myself that involves writing.

Jorge Rebolledo 1 year ago

The tutor was awesome. I enjoyed the feedback.

I know now that I can write and make a living out of it. If you want to learn how to make a life out of writing, you need to go to the AWC.

Elizabeth Blade 1 year ago

Freelance writing is something I have always been interested in and I decided it would be a great idea to broaden my knowledge on the subject. I happened to google freelance writing Australia and came across the Australian Writers' Centre.

I could not wait to join the class and learn everything they had to teach me. I am a beginner and I hope to take away what I have learnt and grow over time.

I felt that feedback given was very helpful and will help me grow to be a better freelance writer.

The whole thing was new to me, and the enjoyable part was just learning the different aspects that I had no idea just how much was involved. People take for granted that all the interviews, articles etc. are there but don't know behind the scenes of what one has to go through in order to get there.

Oh wow, I have learnt so much, but everything to me seems like an 'aha' moment. When you're new to a world you've never experienced, you take it all in.

I have said to my friends if this is something you want to partake in, I strongly recommend that you do the course as it has taught me so much.

Thank you for teaching me and for having me as a student.

Rachel Gallagher 1 year ago

It's helped me to think about new and different ways to write about topics and how to analyse good writing. Cindy was very timely with feedback.

I would say that it's a great online course and easy to do at your own pace.

Khyati Sharma 1 year ago

I wanted to gain more confidence in my writing and I'm so grateful I did this course. I think it was very detailed and covered to perfection. One-on-one feedback was highly needed at this time.

The assignments I think were very interesting. They made me look at my own writing from a new perspective, something I might not have learned on my own.

Courtney 1 year ago

Alex was great. Her feedback was always constructive and positive. I enjoyed being able to complete the course at my own pace.

Learning about pitch emails was definitely an a-ha! moment. I had been writing them myself, but had no replies from editors at all. Seeing the way it should be done was eye-opening. I can write professional pitch emails now!



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