Todd Beauglehall 1 year ago

I really enjoyed the course and found the course material and feedback gave me the tools I need to go out in the world of freelance writing with confidence.

Valerie's delivery of the modules is excellent; she is personable yet professional and delivers harsh lessons we need in a way that is well received (was by me). Vivienne's feedback was honest and inspiring. It showed me what I was doing wrong but also reinforced what I do well.

The course gave me the confidence I need to go out and pitch my own articles, and to know how to refine the articles so they might be commissioned.

Ana Turkovic 1 year ago

The course exceeded my expectations in that it covered a wide range of aspects overall in addition to writing, including publication types, lead times, industry information, communication with editors, and useful tips.

Vivienne's feedback was thorough and thoughtful, and she has a lovely positive and engaging manner. I thought Vivienne considered each student's assignments in depth and provided insightful and constructive comments.

I enjoyed the conversational and down-to-earth way the lessons were explained. The advice in the lessons was practical and helpful in regard to writing articles and getting them published. The concepts in the audio lessons were discussed thoroughly and easy to understand.

Freelance Writing Stage 1 is wide ranging and comprehensive. The online practical-based course is suitable for anyone interested in freelance writing who would like to learn in a friendly and approachable environment.

Rowena Curtin 1 year ago

Launching myself as a freelance writing feels quite daunting. I really appreciated how Vivienne said to do something every day towards getting started and I really appreciated that. Great life advice as well as for going into freelance writing. That's what I'm doing.

Vivienne was fantastic. Incredibly thorough, honest and encouraging. I learned a lot from the comments about other people's work too.

I enjoyed working on all my assignments and feeling my capabilities grow and expand. I can do this.

I have some pretty serious health issues so being able to do the course from home, and the step-by-step way the course was taught, is seeing me take on freelancing, get my ABN and get cracking. I think doing the course has also helped me get back into the swing of things in other areas as well.

Erin 1 year ago

I have been loosely following Australian Writers' Centre for a while and I was finally ready to take my writing a bit more seriously. I wanted to polish my skills and learn how to pitch ideas.

Vivienne was great; her feedback was clear and much appreciated. I enjoyed having the accountability and the feedback.

I'm feeling so much more confident about pitching ideas and trying to make a career from freelance writing. The course was extremely helpful and well worth the time and financial investment.

Chris Salmon 1 year ago

I enjoyed the pragmatic elements of how publications operate, and the need to quickly get to the point when pitching an article and not wasting an editor's time.

The tutor was very positive & motivational! Vivienne provided constructive criticism which meant I didn't feel disheartened when hearing feedback from her.

I feel more confident in actually pitching an idea to a publication - I can see that the barrier to get started isn't that hard.

Do this if you already have some passion in writing and sharing ideas with people.

Michelle Ryan 1 year ago

I like the way the course is laid out . I think the content is very useful in a direct way. The tutor was experienced. It was clear we were in the hands of a professional.

I now feel it is possible to come up with an idea, check out the submissions guide or the list of editors and send a pitch or an article on spec.

I would recommend the course and say it is very user friendly with real life, hands-on tasks. The feedback is very perceptive and worthwhile.

Vanessa Barneveld 1 year ago

I'm looking to diversify my sources of income. But I was also excited about the chance to learn about how to structure freelance articles and about the nitty-gritty behind approaching editors.

The course materials were comprehensive. It wasn't until I began the first module that I realised how much time I needed to invest in the course each week, but I soon reorganised my schedule! This course has given me the confidence to go out there and start writing.

I really appreciated Alex's feedback on my assignments. It was well targeted and constructive. I'll absolutely work on my transitions! Great to learn from someone with so much real-world experience. Thanks, Alex!

I feel more inspired than ever to start pitching and writing articles.

Loved the course. Thanks very much! It's a great learning experience and well worth the time and effort.

Melanie Cage 2 years ago

I have never really known much about freelance writing but read magazines, newspapers and articles and always thought 'I could do that' but had no idea where to start.

The course provided excellent content to get me started on my freelance writing career. It gave me a great starting point and worked through structure and content and finally approaching editors which I feel is the difficult part.

Vivienne provided awesome feedback on my writing and I felt I was on the right track. I really had no idea what I was doing in terms of article writing and pitching ideas but Vivienne gave me the confidence to keep going.

I enjoy the flexibility of listening to the lessons but also having the deadline at the end of the week to submit the assignment.

I never really knew where to start in freelance writing but this course has opened my eyes and given me the confidence to write and approach editors.

Absolutely go for it. If you have any interest in writing in any form the AWC is the best place to go to learn and perfect your craft. I love the large variety of courses and the fact you can do any genre.

Thank you for a great 5 weeks full of information, inspiration and confidence.

Fiona 2 years ago

The content was clear, outcome-oriented, systematically presented and useful (and interesting).

Receiving feedback on a regular basis was quite motivating. I felt Cindy was very diplomatic and consistent.

I enjoyed the weekly assignment and then prompt feedback which kept up the learning momentum.

Some of the mystery behind how to have an article published has been clarified. I will continue to do further courses.

Thank you, and where does Valerie get all her energy from :)

Kim Seidler 2 years ago

The tutor was great! Her feedback was super helpful! Valarie is a wealth of knowledge and the assignments were really helpful too! I am inspired!

Go for it! It is an awesome way to learn and ignite your passion for writing!

Melissa Morris 2 years ago

Vivienne was lovely and helpful with the feedback she gave. Most of the time, even if it wasn't 100% positive, it was 100% accurate and what I needed to hear. It was great having someone with experience in the industry giving pointers and offering suggestions I would not have thought about.

It has opened my eyes to the world of freelance and encouraged me that it is possible to make the career change.

AWC courses are well presented and have a wealth of knowledge, even for people who are not wanting to pursue it as a career.

Linda Holdaway 2 years ago

Love how practical and straightforward it was, no fluff, just facts and formulas for success.

I can use these new skills in my employment (writing board reports and investor presentations) as well as for trying my hand at feature writing - something I have always been interested in.

The course is logical, straightforward and there are formulas you can follow as a starting point. Very practical and well worth the money and the time commitment.

Loved it!

Sarah Jovanovski 2 years ago

I loved all the clear and succinct explanations and how modules were broken down. All the information was very clear to follow and every minute of every module was of value.

Our tutor was always prompt with replies and always supportive. I felt part of the process, rather than being dictated to by someone. I really like the feeling of collaboration.

I enjoyed tackling a different aspect of feature writing in each assignment. I didn't know what was coming in the week ahead and that made it exciting for me.

I feel like I can do this. I've sidelined writing my whole life. Now I feel ready to just get in and do it. The course made the world of professional writing feel accessible, and that there's a place for anyone who's interested in it and ready to apply themselves.

Thank you for creating this course. It's so practical, full of valuable learning, and it's fun. Do it.

Jude Parsons 2 years ago

I was attracted to the practical business side of getting articles ready and how to pitch to editors etc. that the course offered.

Val's audio recordings are easy to listen to and all information is presented clearly and concisely. I enjoy her no-nonsense approach coupled with her belief that her students will succeed if they put the teaching into practice.

Cindy gave useful, targeted feedback on the work we submitted. It was helpful to hear her feedback on other participants' work as well as my own and to learn from that also. I appreciate knowing that tutor and presenters are working writers who have 'walked' the path they are teaching about.

Interviewing a participant and writing a mini profile was great fun and really helpful homework. Overall, I enjoyed the module content and have come away with a clear idea of how to proceed. I also enjoyed the connection with other participants provided via the chat. The handouts were useful and I particularly valued having Valerie highlight excellent writing and also poorly executed writing from various examples of published articles. This made the learning very tangible and confirmed my own ability to assess what I am reading.

The course provided the information I need to get on with the work of researching, writing and pitching. I am confident that the course has set me up for success.

Elaine McDonnell 2 years ago

Thank you, Cindy and AWC. I really enjoyed the course. The collaborative nature was so much fun and I feel like I learned so much.

Cindy was knowledgeable. Her feedback was specific and she always had positive and constructive feedback. I liked that she would mention how to improve upon the work but also point out the positives.

I feel excited to keep gaining confidence and pitch some ideas to publications. It feels like a possibility to continue. I would like to revise some of the material but, once I have, then it feels like something that was a "pipe dream" could be a reality.

Lauretta Davies 2 years ago

Doing the course gave me confidence to submit a whimsical article to the Weekend Australian Travel and Luxury liftout. They'll be publishing it in July!!

Doing an AWC course makes all the difference in having the confidence to move from dreamer to doer.

Thanks folks!!

Claire O'Brien 2 years ago

I have recently thought I might like to get involved with writing but not sure as to which specific type of writing and whether it would be a side-hustle activity or to aim for it to become my main source of income. So, I thought I would give the Freelance Writing course a go and to learn what was involved in putting together a feature article.

I thought Vivienne was great, I got a lot out of her feedback both on my and fellow online students' assignments.

The structure of the course was great in the modular format in which it was laid out. It has made the possibility of having an article published by newbie freelance writers seem doable!

I would definitely recommend a course by the AWC based on my positive experience of the Freelance Writing course.

Ben 2 years ago

I'd always struggled with the idea of having to do a multiyear course. I want to write and I want to write now, and it seemed like the perfect springboard.

Vivienne was awesome, she gave really in-depth feedback that I found very helpful. She's really nice and it was lovely having her as a tutor.

I enjoyed the assignments, but also learning and constantly getting ideas and inspiration. It was exactly what I needed right now and has left me feeling reinvigorated.

I feel like this is a possibility for me now. Not that I'll automatically become a freelancer but it has inspired me to actually give it a crack.

Thanks Valerie and Vivienne, it was a great experience.

Laura 2 years ago

Alex was fantastic. She pointed out things I never thought of. I started pitching publications before doing the course and wasn't getting much luck. Her feedback on the assignment really highlighted flaws in the language/inclusions of my pitches and I'm so grateful for that.

Alicia Marcus 2 years ago

I found the online tutor helpful, knowledgeable and interactive.

I enjoyed the extent to which the course offered insight into all areas of freelance writing, even areas I'd not really considered myself such as invoicing. It was a comprehensive and relevant curriculum. At no point did I feel that I was being taught unnecessary 'filler' content.

It has given me great insight into the professional world of freelance writing and valuable feedback on my own work.

I would say it's a great introduction to the world of freelance writing filled with valuable content. I would definitely recommend.



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