Alida Galati 2 years ago

I have looked at this course a number of times over the last few years, but doing it online just didn't grab me at all. I needn't have had any trepidation - it was fantastic! And in fact, there is so much information in it (and practise) that I don't know how it would have been all covered so comprehensively in a weekend workshop (let alone be absorbed into my brain!)

Alex was terrific. She responded to all the posted questions thoroughly, and the feedback she provided on the assignments was practical and targeted. She was encouraging and positive, and reinforced what had been covered in that particular week's information module in relation to the work we submitted. She offered good insights and industry examples that were relevant to our work.

It's given me a real, practical insight to the freelancing industry. I now feel I have the tools to sit back and contemplate which direction I want to take, and start putting these new skills into practice. I 'went in' with a broad sense of what I thought I wanted to do ... but now I'm finding I'm re-evaluating ... so watch this space(!)

This was a terrific course and very manageable timewise. I really appreciate the work that has gone into producing it, and especially the feedback from my tutor, Alex Spring. Online was great - no need to hesitate! Many thanks again - it definitely was time (and money) well spent.

The AWC supports writers with practical information at all stages of their careers, and has great short courses to not only whet your writing appetite, but keep you motivated to keep writing and experience success.

Amara Seabrook 2 years ago

I was expecting a lot from this course and it delivered even more!

Cindy was helpful and seemed to provide appropriate feedback. She answered the questions posed by students in the chat box promptly.

I enjoyed Valerie's excellent presentation style and incredibly practical and wise teaching. Has shown step by step how to write and pitch freelance articles with confidence.

Thank you! I'm so happy to have discovered the AWC. The structure of the courses and the quality of teaching is outstanding, breaking the seemingly impossible down into achievable steps with a wealth of wisdom.

Rachel Jonmundsson 2 years ago

I thought Cindy was fantastic. I really valued her input- she always highlighted positive aspects of the work, as well as providing clear feedback on a range of aspects of the assignments.

I enjoyed being able to learn from other people as well as by myself. I really liked the content in the handouts highlighting both excellent and poor examples of feature writing. This really helped cement the ideas taught.

I was sceptical about how much I could learn in the period of time, but it was extremely informative. Having been out of study for a long time I was unsure how I would find online study but it was very simple and I had no issues.

This course is an extremely practical, clear and inspiring way to understand how freelance writing works, and it will equip you with the tools to actually get started. The weekly assignments really help you apply the knowledge from the audio modules, and the feedback you receive from your online tutor is extremely valuable.

Lauren Allers 2 years ago

The audio lessons were a lot of information jampacked into short sessions which I think is such a good way in which to take the work in. I could do one audio lesson a day and mull over the info for the rest of the day.

Vivienne was very good. She made a big effort to give us feedback promptly (even when she was impacted by the floods) and to answer all of our questions. Her personal feedback was easy to follow and apply in my future assignments. I like that she gave very personalised and detailed feedback so I had a lot to work with.

I've realised that I truly do love writing and even if I never get published I will continue to write because it absolutely sparks joy in me.

The biggest thing that I learnt is that it isn't so much about whether you're a fantastic writer or not, it's more about applying the principles that work. This is opposite to what I thought of freelance writing, I thought that you were either a good writer or not.

It's a practical, useful short course if you're looking to learn the basics of freelance writing.

Juanne Osigweh 2 years ago

The course gave me clarity about feature writing. I now understand the various types of stories, how to research and create balanced pieces, and how to market my ideas.

If you want to learn freelance writing, this is the course to start with.

Amanda De George 2 years ago

This was one of the best courses I have ever done - and I say this as a uni graduate. The quality of the information and the presentation was engaging and useful and all round fabulous. Can't stop raving.

Loved Vivienne. So encouraging and always giving interesting and constructive feedback.

I got commissioned DURING the course! I got so much confidence that yes, I can do this that I threw all caution to the wind. And now I feel like I have some real solid foundations on how to pitch especially which has been so great.

Thank you so much for such a lovely supportive environment. I could not be happier with what I've learnt.

Melissa Austwick 2 years ago

I felt that Valerie has distilled the essence of feature writing information into a succinct, current and highly relevant course. She is generous, honest and practical with the information she gives and clearly warns of pitfalls for the unwary novice writer.

I feel that I have the confidence to pitch to an editor as I know how to construct a feature with an angle and subject relevant to a particular publication.

Go ahead and do it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Mary Graham 2 years ago

I learnt a lot of valuable lessons, helping me to develop ways to write articles for magazines and newspapers.

Alexandra is an excellent tutor providing encouraging and knowledgeable feedback that is useful for me.

I feel more confident that I can accomplish the task of writing articles, and I have been given the tools for writing them.

Thank you so much for a well thought out, inclusive, and supportive course. I enjoyed the learning and feel positive about being able to write articles.

Monique Brunello 2 years ago

The modules are so well designed with a wealth of practical information, great resources and the group were supportive and so interesting. I learned lots that I'd never even thought of before.

Cindy was quick to respond and provided useful and constructive feedback.

I enjoyed opening the module on Mondays to discover the audio lessons, and download the resources. Knowing my classmates were all taking a deep breath and embarking on the new week's assignment was great too.

I feel I have the skills and confidence to write my first articles and pitch them.

If you've ever thought you'd love to write either as a creative outlet, paid hobby or career, do an AWC course. It will kickstart your dream and introduce you to a great writing community.

Thank you, I'm looking forward to undertaking more AWC courses and taking part in events.

Sarah Betteridge 2 years ago

After getting feedback from our tutor, I realised that I already knew how to write but needed guidance to work out how to turn it into a career.

I have been given some really practical steps and guidelines for the process of setting up as a freelance writer and approaching specific publications with ideas for articles.

Rachel Arnett 2 years ago

I loved Valerie's presenting style. Always made sure I had a cuppa on the go as she spoke!

The tutor was very thorough and specific in her comments, which were full of practical and helpful advice.

I enjoyed demystifying the whole process of writing for publication. It's not as scary and difficult as I had imagined.

If you want to dip your toe in the water of writing in a safe environment, this course is for you. It's full of practical, relevant advice presented in a straight-forward, non-technical way. The modules are short and sharp and the audio makes you feel as if you are listening to an extended conversation rather than a lecture. Assignments at the end of each module keep you on track and ask you to respond via practical activities to the information presented.

Zahara Harrison 2 years ago

The assignments were the most enjoyable part as I am very much a 'learning by doing' person. It was really great and I got really in-depth feedback!

Brooke Craven 2 years ago

The tutor was an excellent clear communicator with very practical feedback to participants.

Really well laid out balance of course notes, audio and assignment feedback as well as analysis of published articles which made it very real-world and practical. It was also great to see fellow students' ideas and hear feedback on them.

It gave me a quick and digestible insight into what's possible and how to approach freelance writing, how and where to pitch etc, that I feel I could use right away.

Marilyn Groves 2 years ago

It was an excellent course and covered everything it said would be covered. The feedback was detailed and useful as was the opportunity to hear feedback on all assignments, thereby gaining even more insight.

Carmen Forward 2 years ago

Fantastic tutor. Alex was so thorough and knowledgeable. She was a very earnest teacher. I learnt a lot from Alex and she answered several questions I had.

Great course. Highly recommended.

Mariana Salazar Figueroa 2 years ago

Cindy's feedback always made sense to me and you could see through her comments how experienced she is regarding feature writing.

I enjoyed the clarity with which each module is imparted. I felt like I was spoon-fed through each step on how to become a freelance writer, from the basics to the most technical aspects after you are already published.

It made clear for me that being a freelance writer and make a living out of it is possible.

Thank you for making these high-quality courses. They can open the eyes of many people pursuing a writing career thanks to their clarity and the relevant information that is imparted.

Suzy Malseed 2 years ago

I really enjoyed the course, including Valerie presenting on the videos and Cindy providing weekly feedback. I enjoyed the flexibility and being able to self-pace my assignments and learning.

I have developed more skills and understanding around how to pitch.

Suzanne 2 years ago

Loved the content. Just the right amount of materials each week. Liked the variety of tasks. Feel ready to have a go at this!

Great feedback on our assignments - specific, targeted, kind and constructive!

It's a great way in to learn about different types of writing in a new industry. I didn't know I could get into this so quickly...chomping at the bit to start this as a hobby and side project to teaching.

Trish 2 years ago

I aspire to be a writer but had no idea where to begin. This course seemed to tick all the boxes even those that I didn't know existed prior to the course. Being new to the whole journey of writing, I wasn't sure what course would be ideal. But this has been the perfect choice :)

Valerie Khoo was articulate and was able to capture my attention. Our online tutor provided valuable feedback for the assignments and reinforced my learning.

All modules were enjoyable and nuanced, each one was an eye opener for a novice like me. I learnt something interesting and new each time!

I never thought freelance writing was even possible for me. Every module taught me a practical technique that I can practise and incorporate into my writing.

Rosina Mrauk 2 years ago

Vivienne was extremely personable, professional and an absolute joy to have as a tutor. She demonstrated her knowledge of the genre and always provided invaluable feedback.

The audio lessons (and handouts) were extremely thorough. I found myself excited and thrilled by the new learnings each week. While a little stressful, the assignments were an important learning tool which were definitely enriched by Vivienne's comprehensive feedback. Loved it!

While I already had a base knowledge of the genre, the course provided extensive in-depth knowledge and tips. Utilising the lessons and suggestions, I feel that I can definitely approach freelance writing with more confidence and clarity. I can do this!

I umm-ed and ahh-ed about doing a AWC course for a long time; over two years. Price was certainly a consideration. I wondered whether the course would live up to its claims. Without a doubt, if you are thinking of freelancing as a potential career or part-time option, I would unequivocally recommend this course as a stepping stone. Inspiring, in-depth and invaluable.

Thank you so very much.



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